View Full Version : heartburn

10-10-11, 22:47
hi group i no posted for awhile i thought i was gaining bit of strenght but fallen at the last hurdle :( well started few weeks ago was put on antibiotics for sinitus then i notice my heart burn became worst , i also had a funny feelin in the chest and i also notice i had black when i went toilet i went to docs she said incress the losec to 40mg at night for few days the acid heart burn went but when i was at docs she said " oh have u felt lightheaded i said no because i hadnt " but mr brain started panicin and though i had a lighthead so i reduded the losec to 20mg and the heart burns back :weep: scared myself silly last few days visited dr google " oh no !!!!! " but frighten to goto my own gp , wonder if anyone else gets heart burn from stress ? i am HIGHLY stressed atm worst been in ages , mark x

11-10-11, 00:17
Heartburn is a common symptom of stress and it hurts! You have my sympathy.

Googling is NOT a good idea. No sympathy there!!

Why are you frightened to go back to your doctor? There are many things available over the chemist counter for heartburn. Ask the chemist what will work best alongside your medication.

11-10-11, 22:33
hi thanks i spoken to doctor today shes given me lansoprazole for month see if that helps so fingers crossed it will do the trick , i no dr googles a nightmare lol :( xx