View Full Version : Throat Cancer

11-10-11, 00:09
Hi I know this has probably been posted a million times before but im really worried that i have throat cancer

i have had a sore thoat for some weeks now but the last week it has gotten worse ... i have had globus before but was not painful

i have had tonsilitous last weeks which has now cleared up im now left with this horrendous raw throat feeling and feeling like there is a lump in my thoat and my throat feels really sore

As weel as this im getting chest pains on and off and feels as if im short of breath

Does this sound typical of anxiety or shall i bother my doctor again ?

Thanks for listening :)

11-10-11, 00:12
The chest pains could be anxiety, but it sounds like you should see your doctor again with your throat. You may need some antibiotics to clear the infection.

11-10-11, 00:50
Try eat some throat sweets, like Strepsils, or the Boots brand, they are antispectic so kill bacteria :)
Lots of salt water too.
It could be a sinus issue, where your nose drips down the back of our throat.
Or maybe it's just a mild infection thats taking long to clear up, another course of antibiotics might help.

Gemma T
11-10-11, 13:22
Sounds like a persistent infection. Maybe sank left from tonsillitus. My dads a heavy smoker. He lost his voice for 4 months and randomly choked 4 no reason yet it wasn't throat cancer. Just a loss voice and my dad being too lazy to swallow.

You sound fine just need a little more antibiotics x x x

12-10-11, 14:36
hi thank you all for youyr posts .. went to docs said just to gargle mouthwash and take paracetemol ... said throat looked red but there is no infection left .... will see if improves

thanks again :)

14-10-11, 00:44
hi sorry to bump this up again but im starting to get really scared

I have this constant lump in my throat feeling still ... bought strepsils...taken paracetmol and nothing is shifting it ... i thought maybe globus but surely if it was that then it wouldnt be constant and i wouldnt have sore throat too ... went down the reflux or silent reflux route but i dont have any of the burning sensation attached to it ... also seem to be burping quite a bit and lots of stomach gurgling...im also really constipated ...(sorry tmi)

Im really trying hard to rationlise my thoughts and not catastrophise but i cant help thinking what else my symtoms could possibly be other than throat/osophagus cancer

---------- Post added at 00:44 ---------- Previous post was at 00:43 ----------

oh also taking gaviscon too ....but that has not helped

14-10-11, 01:02
Go to the Doc again - I went through months of anxiety over this, months and eventful made a fuss and got referred.

It was reflux. The symptoms were real, but the anxiety and worry ampliied t symptoms ou if all proportional, so try not to worry ( easy to say I know) and get o the bottom of it.

14-10-11, 09:08
omg ive had the exact same thing, went to docs 2days ago and she said it was thrush?!? i thought you only got that after doing 'stuff'...... which i havent?

taken medication now for last two days but as yet no effect.........

Soooooo worried........ :~(

14-10-11, 10:23
Antibiotics can give you thrush , it's not an STD, even babies get oral thrush.
If your suffering so much maybe going to an ENT doctor might help?
I've a lump in my throat for 4 months, it's never gone away.
I had my wisdom teeth out n it's eased off but only slighty, I may get it investigated further but I do have swollen glands, lumps on my neck too, so I'm at a loss .
Have you had your tyroid checked ?
If your lump isn't there 24/7 then its more likely anxiety, throat spasms GERD, reflux etc. .

14-10-11, 11:04
yeah i had my thyroid levels checked just after i had my son 12 weeks ago so doubt much has changed since then .... my old doctor is an ENT specialist but she's at a different surgery i wonder if i can still go to her ?