View Full Version : Anxiety over...feeling good?

11-10-11, 01:28
So lately I've had a LOT of painful heartburn and indigestion along with feeling like I can't breathe and headaches. It's almost gotten to be a routine sadly.

Tonight I'm just sitting on the couch getting ready to watch football with my husband and puppy and I realize that I actually feel pretty good! And this made me anxious! Almost like if I don't feel something hurting somethings not right!

Anyone else feel like this? It's just crazy!!!

11-10-11, 03:28
I've had that feeling before...since our mind and body is so used to always thinking about or feeling anxiety, it may make us feel abnormal when we actually feel relaxed or at ease. Our anxious state has become our "normal" way of living for so long that any feeling that counteracts our current state makes us actually feel strange. Although you did begin to feel anxious when you were relaxed, it's a great sign that you were able to get to such a relaxed or worry free state, if even for a little while. :)