View Full Version : Road to recovery, advice and things that will help

11-10-11, 02:16
Im 21 and have been suffering from Panic and GAD for some time now, i am now on the road to recovery, it has really started in the last 4 weeks. Let me quickly explain what happened to me and does still happen but not frequently any more. I would wake up feeling so anxious that it would continue throughout the day. thinking about it so much it would induce a panic attack, i would hyperventilate, feel dizzy,get such a try throat i would choke and gag, my heart would race and i could not sit down. I spent hours walking around my flat, pacing up and down avoiding leaving the house avoiding the tube, the bus etc etc... I found that alcohol would give me relief and after 4-5 cans of larger i would feel normal again and be able to sleep at least until the next day when my anxiety would worsen, so as a result i had a drink i did this for 4 months drinking 6-10 cans a day. Luckily for me i have a great girlfriend who has stuck by me throughout everything and she put her foot down and forced me to stop. So here is my advice.

1. Stop drinking, cut down smoking if you do. Even if your mates go out drinking try your best not to at all.
2. Diet. You dont have to go on a mad diet and cut everything you enjoy eating out but fruit and water is essential. Try and eat 5 fruits a day drink lots of water.
3. Try and do a little exercise if possible
4. Multi vitamin tablets. Vitamin B12 is great at helping anxiety
5. Most important: This is simply the only way to get rid of it forever. If you have an attack or feel very anxious accept it, embrace it, egg it on, let it do its worst, why not you have nothing to loose? dont run from it, dont think o not again or use diversion tactics that you know calm you down. Just simply accept it let it wash over you. I promise if you do this it will be your last. It is scary i know but nothing will happen it will only tell your nervous system and amygdala that your not frightened any more. CBT, therapy all of these things are great dont get me wrong but it all leads to this, this is what they want you to do and this is what they prepare you for. But you dont need preparation just go for it, REMEMBER YOU WILL NOT DIE.

Hope this helps

Best of luck


11-10-11, 09:27
I don't care if i do die, quite frankly I wish I would. I've tried the acceptance of the attack in the past through some program on the internet some salesman who claimed he had cured himself was flogging, and it doesn't work for me, it doesn't increase or decrease. I'm glad for you though, if it works keep at it, but for myself, I'm having to suffer this until the clock stops clicking.

11-10-11, 13:29
I'm sorry you feel this way Dave- you must be having a rough time right now.

It's not easy to stay positive but there must be a solution out there for you :hugs:

13-10-11, 20:16
Hiya Max, glad things are getting better for you and I totally agree about letting it wash over, mine spring up out of nowhere sometimes and I get to the point of thinking "oh I'll get it over and done with" and then I feel calm..

Dave I'm sorry you feel like that, I get days when I feel so down and I get angry about things.. every day is a challenge with anxiety attacks and I am fed up of it holding me back. I had counselling at the age of 18 and it really did help me out for a while, maybe you could give it a shot? xx