View Full Version : Anxiety at work...

11-10-11, 07:57
Hi, I joined this forum yesterday as a way of having another support mechanism to help me through when I'm feeling low.

I have been aware of having anxiety for the last three years, but prior to that I was dealing with it for at least 4 years without knowing what it was, why I was feeling like this and what to do about it. In the end I couldn't go to work and was signed off for 6 weeks. My employer was very supportive and referred me to counselling. Since then I've been up and down, mainly up but when I'm down it's hard to drag myself back out again.

My anxiety seems to centre around work. I'm most anxious when I'm at work and I worry about being there when work is approaching (e,g, mornings, Sundays). My way of getting through it is to keep as busy as possible and countdown to days / weeks off. But the longer I have off work the harder it is to go back. Catch 22.

I'm off work at the moment due to a family circumstance but have been in touch with my line manager and asked if I can meet with her tomorrow to explain what's going on in my head and seek support. She is aware of my anxiety and I know speaking to her will help me get back to work and start facing the fear. I am also thinking of going back to my GP - I'm not keen on the idea of medication, but I wondered if there's any more counselling I could be referred to.

I have wondered whether I'm in the right job too. Most of my working life I've worked with young people, dealing with their problems and being someone they can talk to. When I'm busy and doing my job I enjoy it, but there is that constant feeling of anxiety down below. I don't know though if this would be true whatever job I did, and that my anxiety is more related to going to and being at work, rather than the actual job I do :confused:

11-10-11, 09:02
Hi there

I know how you feel... I'm off work at the moment with anxiety ( work related) but the anxiety now seems to be impacting every area of my life . I was due back tomorrow after 4 weeks off i've had a total of 6 weeks in all but I am nowhere near ready to return yet but the fear of going back is always looming in the distance. Its a catch 22 again like you as I don't know what to do for the best in the long term as my health has to come first. I don't want to return to end up here again. I would love to just leave but like you I did enjoy my job but in the end I guess the workload /pressure got too much for me which resulted in this . Once the anxiety issues are tackled then perhaps you will feel better about returning to work, don't return until you feel fully able to, however long it takes...my employers also have been understanding so far but I do worry how long this will drag on for, which keeps the anxiety going underneath but I start counselling next week so I am hoping this will help. Claire Weekes book Self Help for you Nerves is a really good book I found this has helped me loads especially when panic is looming but my counsellor recommened One Move Technique by Joe Barry but thats a bit pricey so I will stick with my Claire Weekes book and Counselling and keep a mood diary to see what the stress triggers are x :)