View Full Version : Shaky

11-10-11, 13:07
Hi, I'm new to this site, I'm a 40yr old married female with a wonderful teenage son and a wonderful husband, for the past 13yrs I have been suffering from severe anxiety, I have tried various things, I have seen psychiatrists, had different therapies (several times), but as one of Dr's put it "I tend to steer off path and it takes me a long while to get back on", one of the psycholgists also told me that I would always be this way and that she couldn't help me anymore I am also on Sertraline 100mg. I'm also a Type 1 diabetic and for the past 25yrs I have 4 injections daily, I lost my mum 9 yrs ago to a major stroke and it felt like my world fell apart but I had to stay strong for my son, 3 months after I lost my mum one of my best friends passed away, 2 yrs after that I lost my mother in law and 6 months after that my father in law got diagnosed with cancer (thankfully he is ok now). I try to be strong but inside I feel like I'm falling apart, I'm petrified of dying and/or something terrible happening to the ones I love, everyday I get myself in a "state" with all the "what if's" going around in my head, I get very panicky and this as an affect on my diabetic control. I very rarely leave the house and I constantly have to check that my son & husband who are at school and work are ok. I don't know where to turn for help anymore, I saw a locum at my GP's surgery last week and he suggested sites like this one, thats why I am giving it a go, because I am really fed up of living in fear of everything

11-10-11, 13:08
Hi LittleSpider

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

11-10-11, 14:54
hi little spider,
sorry to hear things are hard for you,anxiety is very difficult to live with,I have only suffered with it over the past 12 weeks or so and I can honestly say this has been the worse time of my life,You have had a lot of upset with losing important loved ones of late,poor you,this is bad in its self,but to be suffering with anxiety also,it must be a nightmare for you.I wish you all the best,but know you are not alone wit all this ok


11-10-11, 16:31
Hi Larrissa, thank you for your reply, its took me an awful long while to get the courage to post on one of these forums (the locum who I spoke to last week was very encouraging about the forums and he said that I can talk things over with family and with people in the medical profession but no-one would really understand unless they have been through it to) and I really appreciate your response, once again thank you