View Full Version : could I have done some damage

Gemma T
11-10-11, 13:15
Hi everyone

I was poking on prodding my mouth last night. I was trying to get to the back of my tongue at the bottom. Well u can imagine I was pulling my tongue a lot and poking. I also have long nails and kept digging the back of my mouth.

I know it would have swollen a bit but when I ate it was stinging. It don't hurt to talk or anything and tea and coffee don't irratate it but it feels quiet tender. Maybe a little swollen. But I can't see swelling.

DoEs any1 think I've done some permanent damage or would it just be where I stressed the muscle and prob some cuts. ?

I've a dodgy throat for a while so maybe its just that I don't know. It feels a little like I have a lump down my throat at the top part where it meets my mouth.

I'm sure I'm being silly. Can sum1 just tell me that and shout at me for poking and prodding please.

Love Gem x x x

11-10-11, 14:20
No, you won't have done any permanent damage. Your throat and the back of your tongue are robust enough to handle swallowing all sorts of things, so your finger won't have harmed anything.

Don't worry :hugs:


Gemma T
12-10-11, 15:02
Thank you for your response. I feel much better today.

X x x