View Full Version : feeling really worried

11-10-11, 13:45
hi i have suffered from anxiety for 7 years now im on anti anxiety tablets and usaully all is good but i suffer with my sinues and last week i had a xray on them and i have just phoned the doctors and was told they were all clear , i can not get to see my doctor till friday so now i am freaking out incase there is something else wrong with me like brain cancer ect.i have pressure and pain on my right side of head and nose could it be something serious? i wont be able to do anything now until i see my doctor i hate feeling like this .i do have a deviated nasal spectrum but if the xray says its not blocked what could it be:weep:.

11-10-11, 13:47
Hi jessicar

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

11-10-11, 14:22
i would take no news as good news so to speak and try and remember if it was anything too bad im sure the dr would of been in contact with you regarding that! try not to stress too much until u speak to the dr as you wont be helping the area by stressing. I know this is easier said then done xx

11-10-11, 17:01
hi thanks for replying to me i just hate the waiting it makes my anxiety worse i know its probably just to do with my nose but i think and worry its a brain tumour where i have slight headache also i know its me giving myself the headaches with tension but just can not control it no more.

11-10-11, 17:40
I know this won't help as I think like you do, as many on here do, but you will be fine.

Get it checked but it will be something minor and not serous, your mind will be amplifying the discomfort, mine always does.