View Full Version : Do you know what started your HA?

11-10-11, 16:12
Apologies if this has been done before but I was wondering if you could pin point what started your anxiety?

I have a health anxiety about my heart, usually waiting for it to suddenly stop beating or having a fatal heart attack. It started at the beginning of this year and I believe its because my mum died of pulmonary hypertension when she was 45 yrs old - guess how old I am in a few weeks time!! Also, a few weeks before we were due to be married I woke up one morning to find my fiance dying before my eyes due to heart failure although he'd not shown any symptoms of having a bad heart.

Deep down I know my thoughts are irrational concerning my heart but I cant help comparing my mum and fiance and thinking that the same is going to happen to me. Incidentally my dad died of a sudden brain haemorrage and my sister has had cancer but neither of these illnesses seem to bother me.


11-10-11, 17:23
My health anxiety started about 9 years ago - within weeks of my nan dying. She was 77 and had various health issues. She could have survived much longer, but refused dialysis. My husbands' grandfather had died 2 months before her and I think it was just suddenly having to face up to mortality that triggered it for me. Incidentally, my cat got run over too, 10 days after my nan died. I know thats a 'small' event in the grand scheme of things, but it was yet another example of life's fragility. I don't worry about the specific illnesses that took my loved ones, I just worry more about every illness where the worst case scenario is fatal. How depressing!!! Sorry! :blush:

EDIT: Actually, my own grandfather (nan's hubby) died when I was only 13, he was 65. My anxiety wasn't triggered by his passing. I put that down to the fact that I was more resilient as a child and didn't analyse and 'disect' things so much back then. :shrug:

11-10-11, 18:33
Wow, how awful for you.
I just wondered if you have any heart trouble yourself? high BP or Cholesteral?

11-10-11, 19:20
i have this every single day of my liufe it started about a year ago i spend my whole life waiting for my heart to stop technically i should have been dead 12 months ago your not allown hun xxx

14-09-12, 18:19
Mines all started up again about 4 month ago after my Mum dies, my nephew dies and my marriage nearly ended, all in the space of a few months. I know it's irrational, but tell my brain that.

14-09-12, 18:28
Mine started not long after my best friend died from ovarian cancer and then a few other quite traumatic things around about the same time. I worry now at the slightest pain and ibs has similar symptoms to ovarian cancer so I need constant reassurance from my doctor that it is only ibs.

14-09-12, 18:39
Mine started from my Uncle dying of a Brain Tumor , Since then i have been convinced i have one