View Full Version : Feeling Very Rubbish :(

21-05-06, 18:27
I dont know whats going on at the moment, Im feeling a little rubbish at the moment,infact more than a little..

So last night I had a bad attack and took 20mg of motilium (I have emetophobia) and felt bad afterwards as I think it was my IBS, but I didnt get to bed until about 6am then slept and woke up more than once between then and about 8:30am,then slept through till about 2:30pm when I should have got up but didnt fell back asleep and woke up at 3:30pm,feeling utter rubbish, no motiviation,tired dizzy and just general rubbish..

Ive since been for a shower tried to wake myself up, totally forced myself to eat as well, because it may be that I havent ate since last night,I have sharp slight stabbing pains around my belly, cold and still tired, I just feel awful really.

Im pretty scared as I dont know what the hell is going on or why Im feeling like this..

anyone got any ideas?

21-05-06, 18:35
Hi Rye

Sorry you not feeling too good, Its so hard to shake off I know, I find re-assurance helps me the most, accecpting that it is anxiety and that you will come to no harm is the first and for me the biggest step, then just take the rest of the day easy, relax as much as possible and try to eat well
It will pass for you soon, you are not alone,

Take Care

Wendy x

21-05-06, 18:40
sorry your feeling so bad..but when i have a bad night and your sleeping pattern goes all wrong it will make you feel bad try to relax and not sleep again till bed time..i know thats harder than said but sleep is so important and lack of or even to much can make you feel rotten..hope you feel better soon.

jools xx

21-05-06, 18:42
Hi wendy,

Thank you for your reply, I do hope it is anxiety, I always find when I feel tired and out of sorts I imidietly think that its something to do with my stomach and then sets off my emetophobia.

I must just have to do some things today to try get rid of this anxeity or atleast just feel a bit better, think things are more worse because ive been alone for the past 3 days, dont really like it.

Again,thank you so much for your reply,it means alot for this support.

21-05-06, 18:44
Hi julesukuk,

thank you for your reply also, I myself suffer from insomnia,so dont get to sleep till the early hours of the morning anyway, I sometimes do sleep that long till the end of the day but never have felt this bad, yet my anxiety at nights are getting worse..

thank you again for your reply and your support,it does mean alot x

21-05-06, 18:46

I too get like this when Im alone sometimes, I think the key is to try and keep occupied, when we are alone we tend to think about things more that triggers that start of anxiety, 100% anxiety nothing else, Good day coming for you tom!

Wendy x

21-05-06, 19:31
Hi there,

this sounds like pure anxiety to me with a little exhaustion thrown in for good measure. A lot of people here, myself included, advocate excercise as a great pick-me-up. I know when you feel tired and spaced out its the last thing you want to do but its surprising how much of an extra boost it can give you afterwards.

Shiv x

21-05-06, 19:36
Hi shiv,

Thank you so much for your reply,

I will get up and do some good excercise tomorrow, I.E some packing lol, I hope this is all anxiety, *Sighs*

This forum is a pick-me-up as it is, thank you hun xx