View Full Version : Having Endoscopy on 13th Oct

11-10-11, 18:08
I've mainly put this out of my mind until now, for fear of backing out! But its only 2 days now, so I can't really ignore it for much longer. :weep:

Its to try and get to the bottom of my heartburn, which I've had for about 10 months. Although lanzoprazole has been helping (most of the time, at least!) I don't know if I'm more scared of the procedure or what they'll find.

A friend of mine is an endoscopy nurse and she strongly recommended that I DON'T have the sedation. She said they have more problems with people who have been sedated than those who haven't. :shrug: So I guess I'm just going to try and cope with the throat spray. Anyone know how long the camera is usually 'in'?! Thanks.

11-10-11, 19:16
Well its up to you and of course the staff don't want you to have sedation as they can do double the endoscopies on unsedated people as they don't have to wait for them to come round!

Having had 3 endoscopies in my life I would never ever have another one without maximum sedation - they give between 2-5mg of sedation and if you have the 5mg then you know nothing about the proceedure you just wake up and its all over. With 2 mgs I knew everything thats going on so very very horrible although the drug does make you forget bits of it in the days later.

My cousin needed endo to confirm cealiac disease and they persuaded her to go it without sedation and she said it was worst experience she has had ( and she has children!).

I have no doubt you will get someone who says I had it done without sedation and it was okay but personally I am no hero!

Unless you have a very bad heart or lungs then no reason to avoid sedation and remember alot of the patients your friend deals with are very elderly frail and ill so yes they will have more problems - did she specify if she was talking about young fit people??

11-10-11, 19:23
I had an endoscopy a few years ago to find out why i was having stomach pain and heartburn etc, I wasnt at all worried - that was before the health anxiety took over in the days where I was more realistic with my thoughts.
Anyway I opted to have it without the sedation - I wish had hadnt - it really isnt very nice unless you are very good at staying relaxed, I felt that I was being choked.
On the plus side I was able to go home alone and felt fine after, and is was a very quick procedure and they told me everything was ok there and then. The only discomfort after was a belly full of wind as they have to blow gas into your stomach.
But if I was to have one again I would definatly be sedated.
Take care xx

11-10-11, 19:45
Hi, I am waiting for this procedure too :scared15:. A friend of mine had 2 done recently within the space of a month. She opted for no sedation both times. The first time, she said it was the worst experience of her life (worse than childbirth). The second, she said it was a doddle because she said the trick is knowing how to swallow the probe at the right time. She said the 2nd time caused her no problems at all. I still think when I have to have mine, I will go for no sedation as I have a fear of being "put out". Good luck!

11-10-11, 19:57
I had max sedation and it was wonderful! Knew absolutely nothing about it at all! BEST WAY!!!

I came round in bed and all done! Wasn't aware of a single thing!

I'd recommend max sedation anytime!

12-10-11, 07:59
I had one last week, trust me the waiting is worse than the doing! I was a wreck before, it was over in a few minutes! I would def suggest sedation too. I didn't really have a choice as I was so anxious about it anyway the doctor said he was going to sedate me for that reason. Def get sedated. You'll be fine. The doctor told me what they found instantly, so for the weeks of worry it was over and done with with results in about 10 mins.

12-10-11, 08:13
I had 3 without sedation. I'd rather have the throat spray as you don't feel anything. The only thing I hated was gagging, but if you breath slowly you don't gag as much, im gonna ask for another endoscopy cos i'm fed up with my pain. I don't see the point in sedation, it dosnt put you to sleep,
I was 19 with my first endosc and I was scared but it was over in 5 mins. Had to be held down as was pulling camera out mouth, the other times I was fine as knew what to expect. I'd prob be scared if had it again as I have anxiety, not had any hospital tests since,
Just hope they allow diazepam before the tests

12-10-11, 13:05
hi first don't stress about it too much. I have had 2 and was sedated both times but the second time had less sedation. I was aware of what was going on but unable to do anything about it. it was all over quite quickly. Ask if there is an option regarding what kind of sedation you have, you might not have to be totally knocked out. To be honest i would recommend you have something to relax you.

all the best

12-10-11, 15:17
Thank you all for your replies. I still don't know what I'm going to do, but there is some useful information and tips here! Its the gagging / choking feeling that I'm worried about most. I will try to remember to breathe slowly (if I'm not sedated!) Will be glad to get it behind me.

12-10-11, 17:12
It isnt pleasant, I had one and the didnt even offer sedation, only the throat spray, which didnt have any effect on me. It is over fairly quickly though, and I had a very nice young nurse stroking my hair and holding my hand to try and keep me calm

12-10-11, 18:22
Hi there
I've had two endoscopies without sedation and I wouldn't describe it as anything more than "uncomfortable". In my case an ulcer was diagnosed whlch healed in no time
All the best

12-10-11, 18:50
Don't be a mug go for sedation, it's not a pleasant procedure. Sedation is not dangerous in the confines of the endoscopy suite. I worked with endoscopies for years and don't be fooled, if it's offered take it. The trouble with endoscopy is that more than likely you may have to have repeated endoscopies so make it a pleasant experience not maybe a harrowing one.

---------- Post added at 18:50 ---------- Previous post was at 18:28 ----------

Don't be a mug go for sedation, it's not a pleasant procedure. Sedation is not dangerous in the confines of the endoscopy suite. I worked with endoscopies for years and don't be fooled, if it's offered take it. The trouble with endoscopy is that more than likely you may have to have repeated endoscopies so make it a pleasant experience not maybe a harrowing one.

12-10-11, 22:54
All the best for tomorrow. Let us know how you got on - and whether you went for sedation or not!

14-10-11, 00:04
Thanks again everyone for your advice and support. It's been a hell of a day, but at least I got through the gastroscopy! I opted for no sedation. Mainly because I didn't want to feel like I was not in control! The nurse said patients are far more likely to fight them and resist the procedure when sedated. Anyway, I coped ok. They struggled to get the camera past my throat and I gagged loads but even at that point I was very focused on trying to swallow the bloomin thing! After that bit, it was relatively easy and very fast really. Not a pleasant experience, but not much different to what I'd expected either. The good news is that they found nothing sinister, so I can stop worrying about that now.

... About 2 hours after the procedure I had a phone call from my mum to say my grandma had been rushed to (a different) hospital with heart failure. I drove over to visit her and say my goodbyes this afternoon (she is nearly 90 & incredibly poorly). If I had opted for sedation, I would not have been able to go and see her. That would have devastated me. Little did I know what a significant impact my decision was going to have. With hindsight, I am so thankful that I decided to do it the way I did. :)

---------- Post added 14-10-11 at 00:04 ---------- Previous post was 13-10-11 at 23:57 ----------

Darwin, I hope yours goes well. If I could offer any advice, it would be to relax your shoulders (I kept tensing mine!), try to focus on slow breathing and, once the camera is 'down' try to avoid swallowing saliva. There is a suction thing and I should have just relied on that but I kept swallowing and it made me much more aware that I had a tube in my throat every time I did that! All the best x

14-10-11, 22:34
Thanks Catalyst. So glad they didn't find anything horrible; hopefully you will have peace of mind for a bit! Very sorry to hear about your grandma though, but glad that you got to say your goodbyes. I think I will go without the sedation too.

I will bear in mind the tip about relaxing my shoulders! Best wishes

15-10-11, 00:13
AW I'm sorry for your loss :( :hugs:

I think you are very brave , I was meant to have that camera down my throat years ago, I was going to be sedated I think , the minute I saw the size of that tube there was no way in hell I was going to get it done!
I was young at the time so wasn't fully sure of what would happen.

When my little cousin had it done , they sedated her but she was still awake enough to fight them off and they had to hold her down, I don't know if she remembers it but having something forced down your throat while you are somewhat aware and instinct will kick in I guess .