View Full Version : plz help really scared

anx mum
11-10-11, 20:51
For over 2 weeks now been getting pains in my calf like a dull ache and sometimes a sharp shooting pain this has been constant the reason im posting today is cos its been really bad had co codimol pregablin tried heat and ice nothing has really worked. Im getting really anxious again is this scatica or something else?

11-10-11, 21:03
Hey there (:

I get this from time to time, usually for a day or so in my lower left leg. I used to think it could be because Iwas taking dianette (the pill) which is known to cause DVT's, I used to panic myself. Anyway, I stopped the pill about 6 months ago but I still get the pains from time to time. Muscle strain would be my first guess, or some sort of trapped nerve. But I'm no doctor ):

Hope you get an answer soon!



11-10-11, 21:06
Hi Bev

What was it last time they diagnosed it - I have forgotten now.

anx mum
11-10-11, 21:10
scatica feels abit different this time like a dull throb

11-10-11, 21:29
I think it is probably the same to be honest you have just forgotten how bad it was.

I am sure it will be ok in time though.

anx mum
13-10-11, 21:37
Had a really bad day 2day think my panic and anxiety is back had that awful feeling of not been able to breath had it about 4 days but really scared me:weep: went to docs she listened to chest couldnt find anything wrong.

anx mum
14-10-11, 21:18
Is this anxiety having problems with my breathing again really scaring me feels like im low on oxygen? Plz someone help been like this about 4 days now