View Full Version : Swallowing....or lack of the ability to!!!

21-05-06, 20:00
Hi All, I joined about 3 weeks ago. Feeling really low as i have been having bad anxiety/panic attacks/agoraphobia. Had it now on and off about 20years and its back. Ive tried to fight this but it just wont go. I am ok swallowing when i'm alone but i freeze up(well my throat does) if even my family are around. Any suggestions please. Thanks Gill[Sigh...]


21-05-06, 22:59
Have you read Claire Weeks book on Self help for the Nerves, its great and gives loys of advice about accepting symptoms and trying not to stress out about them as you get into a vicious circle. Your throat is tight because you are anxious, the more you worry about it the tighter it gets right? So even though it is hard and sounds unrealistic you have to try and relax, accept my throat is tight because I'm anxious, its not going to hurt me, i know what it is, I can accept it and be calm. easier said than done but believe me it works, I had a lump in the throst for 4 mths, as soon as I started relaxing and not letting it bother me it started to fade. Just doing the same with my current symptoms of needing the loo every hour, and guess what, once I knew what was happening and accepted it the symptoms have improved, I'm no longer focussed on them or afraid of them and they are easing off. Hope this helps.
Take care


'This too will pass'

22-05-06, 01:01
Hi Gilly, with persistent symptoms like these you really have to make an effort to relax them. Like Daisy says, accept they are anxiety symptoms and that takes the pressure off. When you feel it coming on, you can try focussing on the muscle group and willing them to relax. You may have to continually do this if you have tensed them for a long while as your body will be more accustomed to tensing them rather than relaxing them! You want to aim to be able to do this as you go about whatever business you need to do but at first, to help focus the mind, it would be best to find a quiet spot if you can,

Good luck with it.

* * *
It's just my high anxiety getting to the best of me. I call him Bingbongilypoop. Then I can laugh at him cos he has a funny name. HAHA! [points]