View Full Version : newbie

12-10-11, 09:02

I'm a 39 year old female currantly being treated for GAD and depression,with citalopram and CBT therapy..

I 've been reading the posts as a non member and decided to join today.

It took me 4 months to ammit I needed help..

On day 7 of citalopram..and so far 1 session of CBT and 2nd one on Friday..

My anxiety had taken over my life I just want to be normal again...

12-10-11, 09:04
Hi bobcat

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

12-10-11, 09:07
Hi and welcome :) this is a fantastic site with fantastic supportive people! im just entering wk 5 taking citalopram for anxiety and panic attacks, increased my dose on sat to 25mg aiming to get to 30mg which i was stable on last time, what dose r u on and how u finding them so far?
Nicola xx

12-10-11, 09:07
well done hun for starting to get yaself sorted hope it gets better real soon x

12-10-11, 09:15
Hi Nicola

Thanks for the welcome it's a great site..

I've been put on 20mg a day which i take in the morning, the ist 4 days were not good day 3 I wanted to stop..but carried on day 7 feeling better ..how you doing? xx

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:) thank uxx

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thank u xx

12-10-11, 09:19
Hi i started on 10mg and gradually worked my way up, must admit ive had awfull side effects this time round starting them, heightened anxiety, nausea, restless, tremors but touch wood i seem to be slowly getting better, im so impatient tho.......i want instant results lol but unfortunatly that doesn't happen on these sort of meds!! its been a tough few weeks and looking back i wonder how i got thro but i did!! glad ur finding them ok it all takes time
Nicola xx

12-10-11, 09:44
Hi Nicola

Glad your doing ok.. just taken my day 7 I find having a slice of toast with it helps what time do you take yours? xx

12-10-11, 13:30
Hi i take mine as soon as i get up which at the min is around 6ish!!! Ive never been able to stomach breakfast but been forcing a slice of toast down me around 7ish!! have u noticed any side effects??
Nicola xx

12-10-11, 14:54
Hi Nicola

Yes I've had side effects which have been heightened anxiety,feeling sick, headache and feeling quite fatigued..day 3 i wanted to stop...

What side effects did you get? xx

12-10-11, 19:12
Hi i got and am still having but not as bad cause im upping my dose heightened anxiety, nausea (actual retching), heart palps, restless and tremors!!!! mornings r my worst, there getting better altho i had a bad one today, i seem to get restless as soon as i wake up and feel sick and have to get out of bed straight away as can't lie there!! hoping this will pass again in time!!
Nicola xx

13-10-11, 16:17
Hi Nicola

Day 8 felt ok yesterday but had really bad headache in afternoon which l could'nt shift woke up this morning feeling sweaty slightly paniciky calmed down with a cuppa..I've had the retching too but in the afternoonsxx