View Full Version : anxiety diary

12-10-11, 09:29
morning all.

have any of you guys kept an anxiety diary? just wondered how helpful they have been.

i have heard a lot about them from the professionals but wondered the opinion from the actual sufferers..

paul xx

12-10-11, 11:07

Kind of! My counseller gets me to write down situations that are triggers for anxiety then to write down the feelings and fears I have. I then have to go on and write down all the alternative (rational and positive!) possibilities which ALWAYS outnumber the fears. It's really helpful for me as I think the act of writing it helps but also you can look back and re read and learn from it.

Not a diary as such but similar and highly recommended!

12-10-11, 16:18

Its alright but I was told by my psychologist to only write down the positives! It's quite fun actually and its nice to look back on =)

What i've done is written down all the positives and pinned it up next to my bed so I can read it every night and morning as a nice reminder that i'm not completely useless lol.

You can write a diary with all your feelings which would be good because you are letting it out instead of holding it all back.

Hope this helps!

Take care