View Full Version : A wee bit worried :)

12-10-11, 15:38
Hi Friends,

I have been having a big problem the last few weeks with my stomach, in so much as it is very bloated, and does not do the normal 'up and down' bloating thing.

I am trying to think logically as I was diagnosed with IBS many years ago, but to be honest, I don't get any colon pains as I had when first diagnosed, and it doesn't especially affect me nowadays. The only symptoms I am having lately are this bloating which makes me look like I have swallowed a football and somewhat irregular stools.

My brain is telling me constipation or IBS symptoms or excess wind, but there is that niggling worry about ovarian cancer. I usually do not worry much about physical health, it is just from an age point of view I know it is a possibility.

I think the main reason I am a bit bothered by it is that the bloating I have had before has increased and then decreased like a normal bloat, but this one is 24/7.

I did also wonder if what I was looking at was fat or bloat (lol) but to be honest, the bloat is quite distictive compared to the rest of my abdomen so I think that it isn't middle age spread!:unsure:

I have tried tabs for wind, fybogel, buscopan but all to no avail.

I would be very grateful for any advice or wise words!xxxx:hugs:

paula lynne
12-10-11, 15:54
Hello Gorgeous gal x:)
Any dietary changes? x
P x

12-10-11, 17:10
Hi Paula..hope you are ok sweet.xxx:flowers:

Well, to be honest not really, but my diet is not great at the best of times. My veg and fruit eating is very sporadic, but I try not to eat junk either, usually a lot of lower fat pasta dishes with salad, but I know that I should eat more fruit and veg. I eat a lot of chicken too.

I have cut down by chocolate eating (I would eat it by the ton if I could, lol) and limit myself to 2 biscuits and a pkt of crisps as treats daily. I know carbs can make you balloon up so maybe it is my diet. I am at a loss really.

I try to drink a lot of water, but I don't drink the recommended amount :(

Hazel B
12-10-11, 17:42
Hi, I'm sure it's nothing too serious. The type of food that bloats me is carbs (especially white bread so I avoid it now) and certain gren veg like broccoli and asparagus. I know you would tell someone else in this situation to check with their doctor or nurse at the surgery, so I won't say that too emphatically!

People also try probiotic drinks or yoghurt, a friend of mine swears it hekps thier IBS, they but whatever probiotic drink is on offer but Actimel and Tescos own are always options. Not advertising there, mods please delete if not appropriate.

You've had a rough time lately so maybe it's affecting your tummy? Hope it sorts out soon.:hugs:

12-10-11, 19:04
Hey Debs, are you eating late at night at all?

12-10-11, 19:38
Thanks for your kind reply Hazel. I tried Actimel yoghurts a couple of weeks ago, but no joy. Maybe I need to try them regularly over a longer period. I was taking a multivitamin with probiotics but again, no joy. I think you are right Hazel about maybe stress not helping too.xx

Hey Debs, are you eating late at night at all?

OMG.....yes I do. I am terrible for that Pancho.

I don't sleep well, and am usually awake until 3/4am and happily sit munching a bag of crisps.:unsure:

Think I will have to train myself not to do that as I regularly do it.:doh:xxx

Hazel B
12-10-11, 20:45
I would try the probiotics for at least a month, there's never a quick fix. Hope it gets better soon.:hugs:

12-10-11, 20:52

If its any consololation, i also have a bloated stomach, but i put it down to eating too late of a night lately, and i eat pizzas and cheese on toast, so i've had to stop.

di x

12-10-11, 21:42
That may well be your problem. Leave two hours before beddies when you eat :)

12-10-11, 22:46
Hey Debs,
I've been there chuck, but it wasn't of course!
I did pick up a couple of things in my ridiculous quest for self reassurance, one being that an early sign is feeling full quickly on eating and also persistent pelvic pain, neither of which you mentioned.
I did get reassurance off the GP who had a good old palpate. If you still feel uncertain, just go and get that done, then go home and relax.

13-10-11, 00:48
Thanks very much too Di, Pancho and happycamper.xxx

Yep, I will see how things go. I think I probably am being silly and it is my shocking diet.:scared15:
