View Full Version : embolism

21-05-06, 21:40

I have been having chest pain,quite specific in my right breast area going through to my back since Friday.

I feel like i cant get a breath,im getting out of breath very easily,it hurts more when i try to take a deep breath,on the out breath.

Im pregnant and im sure ive got a pulmonary embolism,im really scared

Hunny xx

21-05-06, 21:50

Its more likely that you have pulled a muscle,i have had this several times where it was really painful on taking a deep breath and i couldnt even recall having pulled a muscle but never the less this was what it was. What i think you should do is ask yourself this Do i really think i have a pulmonary embolism?? and if i do then why am i not heading up to hospital to have treatment initiated for a condition which CAN be treated very well, my theory is that if you really did think that this was what you had you would not have waited this long to do anything about it, so secretly i think you do underneath it all know (like the rest of us when we do this to ourselfs) that its anxiety. However i suggest that you should if you have any doubt get it checked out,pregnancy is difficult enough as it is at times without additional worry.Hope this helps and please let me know how you get on

I just want my life back

21-05-06, 22:51
Hi Hunny
I had exactly the same thing when I was pregnant. i went into hospital, I was afraid i had an embolism, they examined me, nothing was wrong. Just pressure from the baby and doing too much. Get checked out but don't worry too much


'This too will pass'

marie ross
21-05-06, 23:08
Hi Hunny,

Please don't worry (i know its easy to say), when were're pregnant our body goes through so many changes and our muscles have a lot to go through, which is why you are experiencing these pains. When i was pregnant i felt many twinges and pains all over, it's just your body adjusting. Please don't worry but if you can't settle you must have a midwife on call 24 hrs who you can ring just to reassure you.

Hope this helps

Take care
Marie XXX

22-05-06, 10:30
Thanks for your replies

Im just so tired and worn down
Sorry for moaning,must be hormones,lol

Im going to see Dr later this morning because there is no way i could just leave it.I'll let you know what she says
Thanks again

Hunny x

22-05-06, 10:32
Hi there,

I had constant aches and pains in all 3 of my pregnancies, especially the last one. Try not to worry too much about it because anxiety will often make these pains worse as our muscles are constantly tense when we're anxious.

Shiv x