View Full Version : Just started Sertraline, couple of questions..

12-10-11, 16:26
Thanks guys..doc has started me on 4 weeks of sertraline (50mg), got to go back in 4 weeks to see how it's going.

I've been put on sertraline for my health anxiety, which the doctor thinks is causing me the 24/7 disconnected, lightheaded feeling I've been having for 9 months after a stressful event few months prior.

Basically I just wanted to know if this is a 'safe' anxiety med? I've taken my first one today, and it's made my brain fog a little worse and upset my stomach (also made me a bit sleepy). I presume this is normal early on, and I must push on and wait for it to kick in?

I've heard mixed reviews about Sertraline (I wish I never went on youtube), a few people saying bad things about it taking it long term (messing you up etc). Should I as usual not be listening to the internet and trust my doctor that it's ok to take for a while? I don't want to be on this for the rest of my life, just as long as it takes...a year or so.

Just a bit worried what it will do to my body..ironic that my health anxiety even doubts my medication! Would like my mind put at ease from some people if possible.

Cheers all.


12-10-11, 16:39
every 1 reacts dif hun just try and see how u go xx u havent gotta stay on them im on 25mg coz i dont cope very well on them in the beggining xx gl

12-10-11, 17:07
True. I guess 4 weeks will tell, I still worry about what I'm putting into my body, but at the end of the day I guess the docs wouldn't give us anything if they thought it would cause harm. I need something, I've gone on long enough with HA, I tried CBT and it didn't help me. Thanks for your reply.