View Full Version : Neck Pain?

12-10-11, 19:25
Hey everyone, just wondering if anyone else suffers with this? to be honest i dont usually get it and i think thats why its freaking me out!!! i keep getting a sharp throbbing pain in the right hand side of my neck. I had bad tension headaches yest could it be the result of that? had it for a few hours but its got worse and now im freaking out about Brain Tumours etc!!! xxxx

12-10-11, 22:37
Yes this is not uncommon, maybe you slept bad, maybe you twisted your neck, or have been sitting in a bad posture, in a draft etc - lots of reasons plus of course if you are feeling tense this won't help.

I had a sore neck last week and thought my glands were sore - but it passed after a few days. I think I just slept badly and strained it :)

I have found that a hot water bottle is great for easing sore necks, backs and shoulders (better than a hot bath). Also Ibuprofen works well for me with muscle aches.

13-10-11, 00:11
New pillows could make a huge difference if yours have gotten flat :)
Also heat and massage is great, I once got rid of a headache just by massaging my neck!
You can get neck pain from sleeping, tension and if you are looking at a screen a lot.

13-10-11, 04:36
I've had that sharp stabbing pain in my neck from a trapped nerve ... Which happened from sleeping in a bad position. Once, I even got it from carrying my heavy purse around all day while at the zoo. I learned my lesson and only use backpacks from now on when needing to lug my things around for long periods of time. Hope you feel better soon..and try relax because the more tense you are the longer it will take for the pain to go away. Maybe a nice long warm soak in the tub?

13-10-11, 18:38
wicked neck pain..it goes into my left arm n then alarm bell start. think its my heart, i start to really panick. the hot=water bottle helps big time,with the pain not the panick lol x

---------- Post added at 18:38 ---------- Previous post was at 18:16 ----------

14-10-11, 00:34
Helen25 - my neck pain is on the right side and has been there off and on for over 5 yrs, sometimes between the right shoulder blade and spine. bad headaches caused by neck problems is VERY common and i get it all the time. i've had a brain CT twice before which was completely clear.

brew30 - its common for a bad neck strain, pinched nerve or shifted disc to cause pain going into your jaw and down the arm. i've got neck issues for over 5 years now and i see a physio & chiropractor.

15-10-11, 17:07
Thanks for that but mines in the left so i get very frightened if mine was in the right i would think it was somthing else but i do think it is panick

16-10-11, 02:03
brew, are you worried it's your heart? i get a bit stressed when it's anything to do with the left side.

mine is 90% in my right side, but sometimes due to a bad night's sleep, the left side and become strained and i can hardly move and the usual pain down the left arm then that lasts about 4 to 6 days.

90% of the time it's my right side and down my right arm but not always.

23-10-11, 20:39
ty for that sweetie...i am left handed.... and use it quiet alot in my job. notice today holding my grandson it has come on again, guna be big n brave n see if my lovely gp will send me for a xray...so ty again mom xx

24-10-11, 08:58
I had a sore neck last week and thought my glands were sore http://www.ywseo.net/uk.jpghttp://www.schoolwithin.net/jh2.jpghttp://www.schoolwithin.net/ht.jpg

blue moon
24-10-11, 09:04
I have pain in neck,my husband told me I am pain in neck
Petra x:D

london guy
24-10-11, 17:55
i get neck pain quite a lot. i think its related to my having poor posture

28-10-11, 19:51
[QUOTE=mom1982;888015]Helen25 - my neck pain is on the right side and has been there off and on for over 5 yrs, sometimes between the right shoulder blade and spine. bad headaches caused by neck problems is VERY common and i get it all the time. i've had a brain CT twice before which was completely clear.

brew30 - its common for a bad neck strain, pinched nerve or shifted disc to cause pain going into your jaw and down the arm. i've got neck issues for over 5 years now and i see a physio & chiropractor.

ty very much helen that has been a grt help/ comfort, i'm going to the doctors on monday n guna ask her for a xray. n yes it does come from my jaw n into my arm socket..n then down the left arm. i proper crap it lol xx