View Full Version : dentist tomorrow! eek

13-10-11, 14:27
I hate the dentist! I have my first appointment in a few years tomorrow, I know I have cavities because when I eat something sweet it hurts. But I am so scared that they will find something worse or that my teeth are really decayed badly! I know that would probably hurt much worse than what I feel with my cavities, but I am nervous about it.

I hate the dentist so much!!!! I hate the cleanings, the scraping they do with the little metal thing (nails on a chalkboard feeling), and the lectures. I actually take pretty good care of my teeth now, but during the past few years when I was in college I did not. I think it caught up to me.

I've never been to this dentist before so I don't know if he will be understanding or condescending. Just gotta get it over with, get the dental work done, and then I'll feel better.

13-10-11, 16:04
Tell him your worries and if he's a nice dentist (like mine), he will put you at ease. I had a root canal done recently, and I was stressing too. It's one of the worst things you can have done apart from extraction..but I kid you not, it didn't hurt one single bit.

You are best going to the dentist as they can fill the tooth early to stop anything else happening. It will be fine honestly! Try not to worry, once it's over that's it for another few months..best to get it out of the way than put it off and put up with pain.



13-10-11, 16:31
Thanks, I know you are right. I will feel better once it is over and then I can be bad and eat all the candy I want without it hurting, haha! Just in time for halloween. But I will brush my teeth and use listerine after!! :D

13-10-11, 17:13
:D exactly!

Better to get it out of the way then it's done. The dentist is never as bad as you think it's going to be.

14-10-11, 16:59
It's over with! and NO CAVITIES! I was shocked after so long of not going! But they were really nice and it was not bad at all. I'm so glad I went! Now I won't be worrying about my teeth for a little while.

14-10-11, 19:23
Wow you have great teeth lol :) I need a few filings.

14-10-11, 19:33
I was truly shocked. I asked the hygienist if she was sure she was looking at my xrays, as I have a lot of sensitivity on my teeth and have heard that could be cavities. but i guess i just have sensitive teeth where the gum does not cover the enamel or something. i guess xrays don't lie