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View Full Version : Freaking out, really worried

13-10-11, 15:35
Hi all.

Yesterday I noticed that both my big toes on each foot have a numb spot on the tip and around the outside. Its been 24 hours and still they haven't returned to normal, I'm terrified its MS or a tumour or something. :(

13-10-11, 16:11
I have somthing similar in that I have a drilling or pinching sensation in both big toes. Do you mean on the nail or on the skin? I have had this for months now and it isn't going away - I am persuming it is a strange side effect from too much anxiety :shrug:

13-10-11, 16:41
Its on the skin, I can still feel pain if I nip my toe really hard but other than that theres nothing.

13-10-11, 18:37
i too have this but its mainly on my second and third toe on my left foot yes the skin is numb in patched its weird x

13-10-11, 18:40
If it is on the skin, are you sure it isn't just something like a callus? Where the skin gets thicker? I know where I have calluses I can barely feel anything.

13-10-11, 19:00
I'm unsure, all I can think of is that I have just started a new job where I'm constantly on my feet all day in big boots, maybe that has something to do with it, all I know is that its freaked me out!

13-10-11, 20:14
Im sure its your boots. I had the same. A numb big toe. Rushed to the gp after a weekend makung myself ill. Later i put on a pair if shoes i had brought that weekend and thought oh thats tight on my toe. Never worn them again and toe now normal. When my husband had to wear steel toe caps to work he was always moaning his toe was numb but because he hasnt got anxiety it never crossed his mind ut could be anything else.

13-10-11, 20:53
Thanks! :)

13-05-13, 13:03
Hello, I know this is an old thread but the numb toe problem has just occurred with me. I've had an mri, opthamologist and neurologist appointments over the last 6 months and nothing was found. Now the numb toe has appeared and I'm scared yet again. :huh: