View Full Version : Hii =)

13-10-11, 20:08
Hey everyone..
I am Gemma. I did have an account two years ago and things still aren't any better, thought it might help me out if I could talk to people going through the same problems as me. I have had panic attacks now for the past 6 years, I am learning to deal with them on my own but sometimes it gets too much.

Anyway, that's me :) xx

13-10-11, 20:10
Hi Gembutt

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

AK Bun
14-10-11, 08:01
Hi Gembutt

I'm new here too. I had a spate of panic attacks in my 20's and nobody really talked about these things back then and the doctor's were useless, so I was pretty much alone with it.

Been really stressed this year and I'm having what I hope is an anxiety and panic attacks 'blip'. This time I've decided to get all the help that's available... short-term meds, CBT, Gestalt therapy... whatever it takes for me to figure out why I get this way and how to tackle it if it rears it's ugly head again.

I'm taking your post literally, but don't suffer alone like I did - go and get all the help you can and good luck.