View Full Version : Please help me am worried about concussion or worse??

13-10-11, 21:30

In the middle of the night last night i rolled over in bed with some force and my face went straight into a sharp bit of my bedside cabinet. It was SO painful and I was in agony, particularly my nose which took most of the impact.

I started panicking straight away but just went back to sleep eventually. This morning my nose and the area under my eyes was very sore, obviously because they had taken a knock. But ive also felt a bit dizzy and spaced out this afternoon.

Do you guys think I need to go to hospital? What are the chances that ive shaken my brain around inside my skull and caused internal bleeding? Or what about a blood clot slowly building up? Im very scared and angry this happened :unsure:

What makes it worse is since I was 14 i've self harmed and I used to punch myself often in the face and nose :weep: Havent done this for a long time now and I feel sorry for my face having to go through this torture again.

Please anyone x

13-10-11, 21:40

With a knock like that you will feel dizzy and spaced out . As an x rugby player i can vouch for that . I seriuosly doubt you have done any serious damage but for peace of mind get checked out if you think you need to .
Also if you are worried and expecting it to be something serious imho your mind can play tricks with you and the dizzy feelings could be panick


13-10-11, 21:44
Thanks for replying, yeah I imagine as a rugby player you'd have had all sorts of collisions and other crazy injuries!

I'm going to go to sleep and see how I feel tomorrow...I think you might be right about my mind playing tricks...I felt ok all morning but this afternoon I started worrying about what damage might have been caused and my imagination ran wild and then I started feeling dizzy and weird

Thanks again!.

14-10-11, 08:35
Its more likely its the worry making you feel dizzy. If you were concussed, you would feel very sleepy and unable to keep your eyes open within a few hours.

I've taken knocks in the face before ( I used to play rugby as well ) and my dog head butted me and broke my nose, it hurt, but no lasting damage. Normally you will get concussion from banging your head on the back, side or top, not you face. If your nose took most of the impact then I dont think you have anything to worry about ( other than a sore nose for a few days ! )

15-10-11, 11:08
Thanks Mike for your reply, yeah my nose has been extremely sore since I did it!