View Full Version : Dreadful Sunday - Aching all over

22-05-06, 08:49
Hi All,

I had a terrible day yesterday. I spent the whole day with every muscle and joint aching in my body. I couldn’t do anything to get rid of the pain. My legs felt like lead and walking was a real effort. Felt like I was going to collapse, but actually my legs were OK, if that makes any sense.

I had tingling and numbness in my face too. Not only that but really bad tremors and shakes in my hands [one weird thing was that one middle finger on each hand shook on its own accord!]

It *really* freaked me out. I did some meditation and slow breathing, which appeared to do nothing [it’s very hard to meditate when you feel like this]; although I’m sure it helped later. Went to bed and had a restless and annoying sleep, with various part of my body going hot and cold. :(

The upshot today is I still have tingling in my left leg and arm with some pain. I’m putting this down to the fact that my body is suffering from fatigue and my muscles will ache for a bit. Anxiety takes its toll; I ate so little yesterday too.

I’m sure that this is just another anxiety trip. I just hate the way that all the symptoms feel so real and scary and your mind gets in a loop that’s difficult to break. I reckon I’m now in my 4th week of a variety of really debilitating symptoms; - Mr Negative is having a real good go at the moment.

Thanks for listening, I’m trying to stay positive but I do feel a bit run down.


~~~ It is a poor heart, and a poorer age, that cannot accept the conditions of life with some heroic readiness. RLS. ~~~

22-05-06, 09:40
graham, all these symptoms are anxiety and you are right they are frightening. but just know that you are not alone and that it is nervous tension and not disease that causes these aches and pains. have you got your copy of claire weekes " self help for your nerves" or essentail help for your nerves " which really goes into depth about the aches in your body


22-05-06, 09:44
hi graham sorry youve been feeling so low.anxiety is such an under estimated condition.before i became an anxious person i thought anxiety meant a feww butterflies in the stomach!!!!GOD WE WISH!!!hope you feel better soon take care rachel x

22-05-06, 11:06
Yep, I woke up this morning, feeling anxious and my back is aching terribly, also felt nauseous, gues its just muscles going into overdrive ready for fight or flight agian, also have tight chest and feeling like I can't breathe today - yippee.
Take care


'This too will pass'

22-05-06, 14:28
Hi my friend

I have been aching all over too. Legs feel like lead and like they have rubbish circulation. Chest wall pain is awful. Left side of my face is numb but I can feel it if you get my drift and left eye feels odd too.

It is all anxiety I know and you also sound like you understand this but how heard is it to BELIEVE it !

Much love

KatieS x

22-05-06, 15:32
Hey Katies,

My left eye gets strange too! Really glad you mentioned that. Always the left side of my body seems to be affected.

Thanks to everyone that's replied. This site is always a source of constant support and comfort.


~~~ It is a poor heart, and a poorer age, that cannot accept the conditions of life with some heroic readiness. RLS. ~~~

23-05-06, 08:09
I too have had many of these symptoms.
A lot of NON sufferers think its just a case of feeling a bit shaky and jittery when it comes to certain things.If they only knew the daily suffering we go through maybe there would be more done to help.
My family are great believers in "Its all in her head"
people here understand and try to help us all see your not on your own.
Take care Dawnxxxx