View Full Version : HELP! Was getting better, now horrendous panic attacks are back.

14-10-11, 13:40
I have been pretty anxious recently, but making good progress and i'd managed to stop the horrible panic attacks I was getting in the mornings.

Now for the last 2 days I have had huge, awful attacks in the morning resulting in me not being able to take my daughter to school and I feel incredibley unwell and on edge for the rest of the day. I am not currently on any medication, but I have decided to start taking Citalopram as from tonight (despite it actually causing the panic attacks in the first place).

I have some diazepam which I only use when I am desperate...which i have been the past few days. I cannot seem to stop the attacks like I was able to before, the positive thoughts are few and far between and don't help, the relaxation doesn't help all I can do is pace around and cry hysterically until the panic subsides a little.

Has anyone else experienced this? Getting better and then and then backpeddaling and getting really bad again? I'm very upset and very scared about it.

14-10-11, 14:42
Its very common. Happens to a lot of us.

We just have to regain the belief using our knowledge from past experiences that we can beat the attacks again..

You can do it - when next attack starts go right away to this link and read.


14-10-11, 20:46
Yeah, I was panic free for many months and then I started university a few weeks ago so since then I have been feeling very nervous and I am unable to sleep most nights. I don't have full blown panic attacks anymore, just the build up to them and the shaking and sweating... sometimes I just want one to get it over with.

Remember how good you felt getting through them the first time and know it can be like that again, just let them run it's course (I know it's easier said than done) but if you just let it happen the fear subsides... And if you feel really bad, take a diazepam, it doesn't mean you've lost or taken any steps back. If help is there, take it xx

15-10-11, 09:43
Yeah, I was panic free for many months and then I started university a few weeks ago so since then I have been feeling very nervous and I am unable to sleep most nights. I don't have full blown panic attacks anymore, just the build up to them and the shaking and sweating... sometimes I just want one to get it over with.

Remember how good you felt getting through them the first time and know it can be like that again, just let them run it's course (I know it's easier said than done) but if you just let it happen the fear subsides... And if you feel really bad, take a diazepam, it doesn't mean you've lost or taken any steps back. If help is there, take it xx

The trouble with my panic is that I feel it for most of the day, I am always on edge and very highly strung. I hardly sleep and my muscles are really painful because of how tense I am.

I started on 5mg of Citalopram last night and it had a horrid effect on me, nausea, shaking, lightheadedness, just generally feeling weird. I couldn't fall asleep so resorted to a temazepam, this morning I feel dreadful and the panic is just coming in waves all the time, despite me trying to tell myself it is only adrenaline and that it can't hurt me.

I am so upset as I was doing really well before this.

william wallace
15-10-11, 10:41
The trouble with my panic is that I feel it for most of the day, I am always on edge and very highly strung. I hardly sleep and my muscles are really painful because of how tense I am.

I started on 5mg of Citalopram last night and it had a horrid effect on me, nausea, shaking, lightheadedness, just generally feeling weird. I couldn't fall asleep so resorted to a temazepam, this morning I feel dreadful and the panic is just coming in waves all the time, despite me trying to tell myself it is only adrenaline and that it can't hurt me.

I am so upset as I was doing really well before this.

Hi Rocklover.
It's easy to blame the meds but lots of people seem to forget why they are taking them in the first place. Citalopram tends to enhance the symptoms though, and it does take a while to start working for you.
I'm 90kg and 40mg seems to be working for me after about 7 weeks of taking it, and two months of hell before that. Depending on how ill you are, and your BMI you might get an idea of the dose you will need to get yourself stable. Mayba some of the lasses on the forum will be able to give you a better idea of this?
WW Just one more thing, I'm giving out free hugs today:hugs:

15-10-11, 10:47
hi hun i too have felt ok for a couple of months and last week i started again with anxiety panic stupid horrible thoughts of dying and my kids and husband dying feel trapped inside my own head i took have been told to take citalopram along with my mirtazapine coz apparently they work well together i think i am going to try them again as they didn't agree with me last time i know they were only side effects and many people who have taken them on here actually say once they have settled in their system they feel great x

15-10-11, 12:57
Dont take panic in your life is prestigious, play safe

18-10-11, 22:32
Hi rocklover, I live with panic attacks for over 10 yrs, I am 34. I had a roller coaster ride along those years. Lots of good PA free times but also some not too good times. My PA is also the whole day and bad, I take alprazolam as a SOS medication for when I cannot handle, be friendly with the medication to help you. I don't like taking it often but I do when I need and carry for a week, and that's it. Now I m trying to monitor with Valeriana 3x a day and double the dosge at night to help me sleep. It works for me, helps me to control the tension in my body , that aches after a anxious day.. Not easy but you can do it ... Do not fight against it, it will go away ... Use help if you need and shake it up and walk on .... You'll be fine.
I also get very upset when it comes back bad like that, hard to control ... Read again about it ... http://www.anxietynomore.co.uk/panic_attacks.html. I like this page, helps to understand the symptoms. Good luck !,,