View Full Version : is this anxiety??? can i breathe???

14-10-11, 15:59
hi im just wondering can anxiety cause you not to be able to breathe propley? ive had this before but today its really starting to get me down.
im feeling like its hard to breath its really hard to explain but its a weird uncomftable feeling its not really in my chest but just under my ribs sometimes in the back.

its a feeling of being really tight and hard feeling to breathe.
its worse sometimes when its hot out or if ive got the heating on. sometimes after i eat or smoke it does eventually go but always comes back it makes me hot aswell.

i dont want to go to the docs coz im always going to him with my ectopics and fast heartrate and i know they get peed off with me and they neva find anything.
i had a heart monitor on yesterday and im worried waiting for results but i just dont think its anxiety
i cant go on like this everyday something new.
if anybody gets this or had anything like it would be good for some feed backxx:weep::weep:

14-10-11, 19:26
When I am anxious I become VERY aware of my breathing! The more I focus on I the weirder it feels when I take in a big breath. My chest becomes tight, and every breath feels so unnatural and like I can't get enough air in my lungs. I've read many posts on here with people who experience the same thing. It can be a very common symptom of anxiety/panic. Maybe try some breathing excercises or breathing meditations. You can find free audio clips online or on YouTube. They tend to help me when my breathing feels all out of whack. Also, I know it's hard but he more you think about it, the worse it feels. Try some simple distraction techniques ... Gardening, cross word puzzles, organizing a messy room. Let us know how you are doing xx

14-10-11, 20:19
hi luv2teach
thankyou for your reply its been really bad tonight i think your right when you say the more you think the worse it gets i also smoke when im anxious im not what you call a hard smoker just maybe on a sat when im drinking and like now when im anxious.
thing is smoking makes it worse after but calms me down at the time god that sounds weird.

i have been a bit stressed today had a bit of a crying moment but only for a couple of moments but im feeling a bit light heady and have a bit of a itchy cough even tho i dont have a cold.

i dont really get tight chested its more around the ribs just below them and sometimes round the back its like if i sit forward it all tenses up and when i get breathless its not like im gasping its like being in a really hot room its really hard to describe i have had it before but its such a horrible feeling it really scares me its left me with this really achy feeling god i wish someone would just let me have a day offxxxxx:weep:

anx mum
14-10-11, 21:22
Hun i feel exactly the same at mo my breathing isnt right really scares me to the point where i sob i too have had this feeling before.

14-10-11, 22:40
so i have i but i still cant come to grips with it is what symptoms do you get????:)

15-10-11, 00:16
I think we get out out of breath more easily then anxiety causes our heart rate to go up which makes us breath more etc..
I can't do breathing excersises too well as the minute I become aware of my breathing I feel like I am suffocating.
But if you start to panic big slow deep breaths really help,