View Full Version : Birthday is getting closer....

22-05-06, 09:56
As it gets closer I get more and more anxious,I hate my birthdays.
On wednesday I will be 33....
That is not the problem though,will my mum send me a card or not [?]
It my first birthday since they stopped talking to me [V]
The kids have all had cards and xmas cards ,I didnt get a xmas card so will it be the same[?]
In my head I dont think I will get one Im almost certain [V]
But in my heart Id like to believe that I do still have a little of mums love and she wouldn't want to see me hurt anymore.
I will be glad when it has passed.
love Dawn

22-05-06, 10:22
oh Dawn,i know how all this hurts you,my dad never sent me cards[i know it's different it being your mom:(]BUT your kids and your other half and your friends all want you to have a secial day.I know it must be sooo hard hun.Your mom sounds stubborn rather than not bothered,i bet she feels upset inside too!Thinkin off you ,love mary.xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore

22-05-06, 12:05
i agree i bet your mums agonising over wether to send one or not! even if she dont, dont let it ruin your day you have you kids ..have you tried to contact her?
dawn i hope you have a wonderful birthday with all the love you need from you dhildren..best wishes hun xxxxxxxx

jools xx