View Full Version : numerous things...

14-10-11, 17:34
hi guys . first post in the health anxiety foru and i dont know why as i think health anxiety is my root cause.

had a bad few months regarding my anxiety mainly brought on by stress which causes me physical feelings which i then get worried about.

anyway alongside all that i have noticed my right tonsil is swollen and has been for weeks not got any bigger and isnt sore although i have had tonsil stones and i think it seems a bit white spotty but this could just be the stones. i hve struggled with cotton buds and fingers to clear them aswell as a more obsessive hygiene programme including salt water gargling.

aswell as this ive been noticing paps or ectopics alot ore recenty than i ever have before. in fact i had my first ectopic about 2 months ago and have suffered with anxiety for years. i now feel smaller ones a few times each day almost feels like a burp trapped in my chest sesation.

aswell as that i often get a mild ache in the centre of my chest when ive been lay or sat in a certain position. i cant replicate it or feel the pain by pressing.

lastly i was having a workout several days ago and right at the end id finished a set of weights and could feel my heart banging which is normal but i got a sudden boom which of course gave me the instant panic feeling but i though nope just ectopics but it happened again and it felt difficult to breathe in but only for that second. after i felt a bit paniccy till id showered and calmed down.

anyone wanna set my mind at ease. ive been meaning to go to the doctor regarding my throat but whenever i throw a load of other symptons at him /her they automatically get the anxiety pamphlets out.