View Full Version : Anxiety or not...I just don't know.

14-10-11, 19:11
Hi ok so since yesterday I have felt like rubbish, my symptoms are pains in my stomach, ribs, arms, headache and sudden pains in my head and neck not really bad but enough to make me worry, I feel a bit tired and lethargic and my eyes hurt and feel blurry but not really I think the blurriness is in my mind but I dont know.
The problem is I just dont know whether its real or not as I didnt feel to bad this morning but as the day went on I have felt more and more ill and in pain.
Do my symptoms sound part of anxiety or not, how can I tell?
I keep thinking stupid things like have I drunk to much water and given myself water poisening, have I got a brain tumour, is it a type of flu, should I be worried I am worried but I dont want to be as I have been doing so well lately.
Sorry for the long post I hope someone can give me a little advice even to make me feel a bit better.
Thank you
Hannah x x

14-10-11, 19:17
Have you been under a lot stress lately? That could for sure make you feel the way you describe ... Really run down with aches and pains. I get your exact symptoms when I'm really stressed out or after a bad panic attack. Could also be the start of a cold or minor virus. If you start to feel a lot worse or it doesn't go away then you could check with your GP just for peace of mind. Try to relax because it doesn't sound too serious to me. :)

14-10-11, 21:23
Luv2teach thank you so much for you reply, it has made me feel better already.
I just cant figure out sometimes whats real and whats panic/anxiety its so mixed together at the moment I just dont know, I have not been stressed not really anyway.
Hannah x x