View Full Version : Any tips for dealing with anxiety while at work?

22-05-06, 10:22
Any tips for dealing with anxiety while at work?

I have just started a new job and feel like pooh, I just keep worrying that I am under performing, which is obviously not going to help.

Plus I suffer with health anxiety issues which just makes things even more difficult to deal with as everything gets blown out of proportion even down to the smallest thing can start a panic attack.

So anyone got any tips for dealing with this at work ?

Just re-started my medication thsi week, so hopefully things will brighten up soon :(

22-05-06, 10:56
The medication should help you. If i get panic/anxious at work i try to take control with some deep breathing and going to my 'safe place' in my mind, visualise I'm somewhere else, relaxing, until the feeling passes. I know its hard, at lunch go for a walk, get out of environment for a while. I have a very stressful job, and I have to put strategies in place to cope, I'm off at the moment because i didn't keep to it, it has to become a habit. Hope this helps you and well done on your new job.
Take care


'This too will pass'

kate H
22-05-06, 11:00
Hi Richard,

I would probably give the same advise. Deep breathing usually helps. I also keep some herbal calm tablets in my draw incase things get a bit much. My work don't even know about my anxiety. My old work place did. I also find if things get a bit much I just take a few minutes out, go out side and get a bit of fresh air and gather myself and try to stay focused.

Good luck. :D

.......Is your past barging in on your future? Make a better 2morrow 2day.......

22-05-06, 19:28
Hi Richard

I think the key is too stick with it, you are doing well to keep goin and try and use work as a distraction, I went of Sick in Jan due to my anxiety and found it very hard to make myself go back, I developed a total aviodance to the place and now have returned it is very hard to get back in the swing

Im sure you are not under performing, anxiety can make us very self critical and low in confidence, Once you have settled in more you may make some good friends in your workplace who you can confide in and who will help you through it

Your are doing well, stay postive and you will come tho this,

Good luck!

Wendy x

23-05-06, 07:31
Hi Richard - I agree with all the advice given - especially getting out at lunch, I found that really helped when I was at my worst. Also keep some water and some healthy snacks with you - I feel so much better when I'm hydrated and not hungry. Also having a glug of water is a good distraction.
Stick with it
Love Helen

23-05-06, 10:39
Healthy..... Ok today I have a draw full of bananas and museli bars lol.... and now i make sure i always have a large glass of water on my desk with about 4-5 drops of bach's resuce remedy slipped in.... so far so good.... well today at least..

23-05-06, 11:53
Do you sit at a desk or do you have a more active job? I have always had desk jobs and I found that (when I was allowed) I would play a computer game or log on here when I was feeling anxious or panicky at work.

23-05-06, 12:18

Desk jobs are the worst. Your mind wanders no end. Try to keep occupied.

I want to go up to my anxiety, smile, put my arm around it and say to it caringly, 'Hey! How are you? How's your day been?'

Then, just as its about to answer me, I wanna throw a sack over it and give it a hiding within an inch of its life.

That would be nice.

23-05-06, 12:32

As you can see from my post in this section 'Going back to work after 2 years' i know exactly how u feel as i get health anxiety too.
Workings not much fun when your feeling rotten with anxiety, but i coped with distraction and busying myself so i didnt have time to let the anxiety kick in. set yourself mini goals. maybe to complete so much in half an hr then have a breather,or a walk about for a minute. once your concentrating hard on reaching your own little goals you'l be a bit distracted.
have you tried rescue remedy? i put 4 drops in a bottle of water at work and just sip it all through my shift, just takes the edge of the anxiety a bit.


23-05-06, 14:42

yes ia m doing that.... not sure its helping, but trying it anyway... :D

<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">i make sure i always have a large glass of water on my desk with about 4-5 drops of bach's resuce remedy slipped in.... so far so good.... well today at least..

<div align="right">Originally posted by Richard Smith - 23 May 2006 : 11:39:21</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

23-05-06, 23:55
Glad you had a good day, each good day is one in the eye for anxiety!!!


'This too will pass'

24-05-06, 21:34
Hi Richard
Under top tips there's a link to the BBC website and a desk relaxation that you can download, i tried it today and it was quite good, maybe give that a try at your desk.


'This too will pass'

26-05-06, 18:56
Hi Richard, Yep, know how you feel, have just had the worst week at work but I stuck with it and I'm still here, wobbly legs and all! Stay with it, keep up with the Rescue Remedy by all means but remember that it is the negative thoughts (whether you are aware of them or not) that is fuelling the fear and panic. Have you read "When The Gloves Come Off" it's on the Anxiety information page on this web site, look for the link right at the bottom of the page. You may not believe it (it's taken me 15 years) but it IS true that the negative thoughts make the physical symptoms happen. The bottom line is that we all need to find out what those thoughts are and turn them around. I'm trying NLP at the moment which deals with this head on (this is why I've had a crap week, facing the fear head on aint easy). Meanwhile - you are doing great!! Just the fact you are getting up and going to work is fantastic, don't forget to tell yourself just how well you are doing. You will make progress, even a small step is a positive one. In the past I have told my employer of my anxiety problems when I felt they knew me well enough, 2 out of 3 employers then admitted to me that they had had their own private battles with panic and eating disorders over the years, honestly. I'm not suggesting you should tell your boss, that is up to you, I'm just sharing my experience with you. Good luck!

15-12-10, 14:03
I used to write panic and anxiety on a rock and throw it away with great force. It worked for me but I work in my garden.
You could try writing down how you feel and ripping it up.
It passes. (Eventually).

15-12-10, 15:08
I know the scenario is totally different but something happened to me at work that made me meet my anxiety head on and it worked wonders.

Two years ago I sold a relatively successful business and sort of retired early. I took a job in a secondary school as an exam invigilator. Nice job that has its moments of pressure that tested my anxiety at times. Then one day we had set the hall out for an exam for 156 students and just as we were going to let them in the exam officer came in and said the chief invigilator could not get in and they needed someone to stand in front of all these students and address them, give them time warnings and generally run the show. Now they do not know I suffer anxiety and I must do a pretty good job at covering it up because it was unanimous that I was the only person capable of doing it....so I did it much to my own amazement, and it went well. Now I am a head invigilator and also a cover tutor taking classes when teachers are away.

I can honestly say it was a major turning point for me, I had sort of backed myself into a corner and the only way out was to take the issue on, I had to deal with it then and there with a half dozen people looking (literally) for me to do it. To be honest at the time I wanted a trap door to open and swallow me but in the event there was no time to think about anything other than doing the job.

When I read about peoples issues with moving forward I always feel something akin to this would help, no time to think or get away or worry or anything just having to deal with something and using it as a positive stroke to enable you to move on.

15-12-10, 15:35
It is tough, coping with anxiety and depression at work, I haven't taken any time off at all as I don't think, for me, that staying at home and dwelling on it would help. Its a desk job, I am on reception. Some days have been a nightmare for me at work, but on the plus side, its not stressful job and its part-time. I give myself a big pat on the back sometimes that I am coping with work. Negative side is that my job is often not busy and I have nothing do, so my mind wanders and the anxiety creeps back on. Have had a word with my sis (one of the managers) that I need more work so hopefully in the new year, I will be kept busier, if I am busy, I feel much better.

22-12-10, 01:19
amazingly, 4 years on, and another job on, the same issue has returned for me.

I am 100% sure its anx hitting me again, pains in my chest, palpitations, trouble sleeping, IBS like tummy trouble, pains under my ribs, dizzyness.

I feel sooooooooooooooooooo stressed its horrible.

Difference between now and back then are that I have a 3.5 year old son now, and I worry about him too ! arghhh i dunno.

The only time I feel ok is about half an hour after taking 5mg of diazapam!

Also started seroxat my meds again about 5 days ago, and back to the docs on the 29th Dec. :wacko:

Should be a hapy time of year