View Full Version : Insomnia, exhaustion and lightheadedness related?

14-10-11, 19:17
Hi all, I've started to suffer from insomnia again, getting as little as 4 hours sleep a night which also can be unbroken. Just started the gym on wed and I think I did too much as since then I've been suffering from lighthededness, still been working evenings till 10 and went back the gym today and just feel off balance at times and so exhausted. Could the lighthededness be related with the tiredness please?

Thank you ! xxx

14-10-11, 20:22
It could...lack of sleep can cause one to feel extra tired during the day as well as feel "off" in many ways. It can make us lightheaded (especially after excersise) and also make us feel irritable and achy. Before I started my meds I was also getting 3 to 4 hours of sleep which affected me in so many ways. How long have you been suffering from insomnia?

14-10-11, 20:26
On and off for for years :( Hoping the exercise will help me overcome it x