View Full Version : wanting to self harm what shall i do????

14-10-11, 20:29
wanting to self harm what shall i do????

14-10-11, 20:31
Phone the samaritans and talk to someone there, they are very good and trained to deal with this sort of thing, their number is 08457 90 90 90

14-10-11, 20:38
i have a number of a clinic where i can phone if i get nervous ......laural house

14-10-11, 20:43
Give them a call, or a friend and get yourself out the house. It won't make anything go away and it's so not worth it hun xx

14-10-11, 20:43
I havent heard of them, but either call them or the samaritans, it is better to talk with someone about how you are feeling

15-10-11, 00:31
Listen to happy music, draw on your skin with red marker instead, remove any tools you use to self harm , put them out side so you won't be tempted.
Hope you are ok x