View Full Version : out of blue it comes

14-10-11, 20:30
i have been getting on bit better last few days , if im busy doing something i forget then all of a suddern i think oh how do i feel then i feel awful then it goes then out of blue i could be driving or just washing up then its like a black cloud comes over me and i can not think straight and feel really odd and scarred and i dont no what to do with my self , and start to rush around or i find my self sitting and rocking
then i panic im gonna go mad and out of control but i never have done as yet , is it normal for you to one min feel ok ish then the next its so bad , im 4 weeks in to my tablets ,, i had anxity very bad ten years ago but i have kind of forgot how bad it can be and im again thinking the what if it aint anxiety xx any one feel the same

14-10-11, 20:40
Huge :hugs:! I know how you feel because I get like this quite often with my anxiety. I could be doing nothing, minding my own business and not even thinking about anything then bam my anxiety and panic is in full force and am wondering what is happening to me. I start thinking about it more then which only makes it worse. I truely sympathise with you. I just wanted you to know that you're not alone and its very common. I hope your tablets kick in soon to help you cope with this xxxx

14-10-11, 20:50
ah thanks pauline , its horrible you think no body else could have it and i find some of my feeling so hard to explain cause i can not explian them to my self its so strong and just catches you when you least think it , i sometimes can be sat doing something or even talking and then wow its there and i think why and whats the point in doing things etc
i look at other people and think why can i not be happy like them but i guess they maybe think the same as me as there does not look nothing wrong with us yet some times i feel so so so bad aghhhhhhh xx

14-10-11, 21:01
I could've written what you've just wrote. I often look around at other peolple and wonder why I can't be like them and feel normal but TBH I probably look normal to everyone on the outside too as I put a very big act on at times to hide it ! You'ld be surprised that when you actually start talking to people about it how much they suffer from the same too xxx