View Full Version : So confused

14-10-11, 22:15
Hi guys,
I was prescribed Citalopram which did not agree with me and that medication in fact started this current bout of anxiety. Now I'm on Mirtazapine 7.5 mg nightly and I've been on that for a little over 2 months. Been feeling a lot better but want to see if I can make it without the pill because it's such a small amount, I'd like to think I'm doing a lot of the anxiety management on my own. But the problem is, I've got so many conflicting opinions on this. Hubby says I should come off and see how I get on, my GP says I can wean myself off "if I want to" but my counsellor says 2 months is a short time to be on antidepressants and I should wait a bit longer. I DON'T KNOW what to do. I am so indecisive and worked myself up over this tonight. This has prompted a friend to say "Well if you're this anxious perhaps you're not ready to come off the pills yet." :weep: Someone please help. I am on day 4 of weaning myself off and just feel so confused.

14-10-11, 22:30
I think two months is a very short time indeed. My doc told me that to have a long term lasting effect I would need to take the pills for a year or more.

14-10-11, 22:36
Yes that is what I was told originally by the counsellor. I was a bit miffed when my GP said I could take my meds as long as I want to and come off when I feel ready. I don't really find my counselling satisfying. She only tells me what I already know. I've already done a lot of things she suggested. I needed that help 2 months ago when I was in the thick of my anxiety. It's subsided a lot now, whether that's me, or my going back to the church and having hope again, or prayers, or meeting new people or if it's the pill I'm not sure. Maybe a bit of everything. Now I feel like I could just beat this on my own. Just frustrated by my GP's carefree attitude towards all of this. It's as if I was asking him advice on taking children's chewable vitamins.

william wallace
14-10-11, 23:13
The reason that you have been feeling better is because you have been taking your NSRI Mirtazapine for two months. If you stop it now you will more than likely regret doing so. None of us like being on these drugs, but they are a neccessary evil I'm afraid.
The reason your GP changed your meds is that you need to re-uptake noradrenaline to counteract the unwanted shots of adrenaline that cause your anxiety.
Please keep taking the pills:hugs:

15-10-11, 09:35
William, my GP didn't switch my medication. He just said I could come off it if I want to. What is noradrenaline?

william wallace
15-10-11, 10:09
After you have a panic attack or adrenaline rush you need noradrenaline to calm things down. Seratonin Norepinephrine Re-uptake Inhibitors help you retain more Noradrenaline in your system and this in turn helps control the anxiety.
My GP told me all about it:)

15-10-11, 18:36
Thanks for that. I will think about this a little bit more. Thanks for your advice and for listening. :)