View Full Version : So panicky !!!

15-10-11, 07:31
I suffer with HA but I've been quite down just lately and it's been getting worse I've just had a low period and then thurs I actually felt quite good

Well Friday came and I had to take my dog to the vet as she's been limping thought nothing of it really and then the vet said she had to stay for X-rays etc I then got the dreaded phone call I'm afraid your dog has a Tumor on her leg !!! Oh my god she has got bone cancer !!!

I burst into tears and didn't no what to do well we have decided that she is having the leg removed and fingers cross it hasn't spread if it has she Is looking at 6 months at the most :(

Well lastnite came and as probably most of you do at night my mind was all over it was as though it was me that had been told I have cancer and there's nothing that can be done

Why !!!! Why do I always have to worry about myself don't get me wrong I'm devastated about my dog but why focus on me why am I so obsessed that I will get some evil disease and that it's too late to be cured

It gets me so down I just want to be normal and worry about everyday things not what have I got today and is it going to kill me

I'm sure I'm physic some things I thing if happen n then that makes me think but what if I'm right about me getting Ill

I see people saying stuff about me when I'm gone and it's like I e already seen the scenarios

Am I alone with theses weird thoughts !!!

15-10-11, 08:24
you're not alone luv it all anxiety and panic attacks our minds play horrible tricks on us my brother got killed 3 years ago and i now keep thinking that i won't live long either but it will pass just keep strong and hang on in there are you on any medication x

15-10-11, 08:44
No not on any meds yet I want to try and beat it on my own if I can I just got myself picked up after finding the elderly man I cared for dead in his chair n now this and I can't help thinking it'll be me next :( x

15-10-11, 11:04
get to doctors you obviously need help even if its only for a short time x