View Full Version : Hello

22-05-06, 11:51

I just wanted to say hello as I've found reading this forum a massive help since being told by my doctor last week that I've been having panic attacks.

I think my attacks were brought on by a month of so of general worrying about an stiff neck and then a very anxious day before flying home from holiday (I hate flying and there had been a plane crash while I was away!)

I then had a week of tingling arms and legs, upset stomach, not eating or sleeping, fuzzy headaches and 'floaters' in my vision...all of which I connected to my stiff neck and decided I had all kinds of illnesses (MS, all kinds of cancers, brain tumour to name but a few)

I took myself to casualty once and the doctors twice and was fobbed off without a real explaination which meant that I continued to think up my own explainations (all very morbid) and obviously made things worse.

It got to the point where I went back to the doctors and refused to leave without an explaination of why all these things were happening...luckily, I got a good doctor this time and (after noticing my heart rate) he explained all about panic attacks and gave me lots of information to take away.

Now that I understand what's been happening, the tingling and nausea are happening much less but I am still getting the fuzzy head feeling and some 'floaters' a few times a day.

Is this normal, for some of the symptoms to persist when others have gone?

I'm now having physio on my neck but the panic attacks have made it worse so I'm still a bit worried that it might be something serious but am trying hard not to be negative.

I'm not sure whether this will help anyone else but it has really helped just to write it down....as has reading about other peoples experiences and ways of coping.

Thanks to everyone.

Sarah x

22-05-06, 11:54
Hi Sarah

Welcome to the forum

You are definantly not alone with panic attacks & your feelings. I have suffered from them sice i was 11.

Anyway there is lots of info on the forum about panic attacks & other symptoms you mention.

Take Care


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

22-05-06, 12:00
Hi Sarah and welcome to the forum.

The symptoms we get with anxiety tend to mimic serious illnesses and by reading this forum you will get to understand this more and more, and there is no real need to worry.

Take Care


And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

22-05-06, 12:08
hello sarah and welcome,
like the others said there are all sorts of symptoms with panic some go and new ones come..best of luck and im sure you will find it a huge help here xxx

jools xx

22-05-06, 12:36
Hi sarah,

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends.

Take care
Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

22-05-06, 12:59
Thanks to everybody for your replies.

I've just been out and bought some Bachs Rescue Remedy after reading about it on this website...has anybody tried it?

The lady in the chemist said she has used it to help with her fear of flying and found it really helpful.

Sarah xx


22-05-06, 14:34
hi yeah rescue remedy is good it does seem to help take the edge off anxiety and panic...ive suffered all sorts of symptoms with anxiety this fuzzy feeling was one of my first symptoms...i too worried and thought all kinds of silly things...the feeling does go but you need to worry less(not easy i know) i had it for 10 days at one point...Have you heard of claire weeks books she calls it brain fag...basically too much worrying!!!
take care i hope you feel bettrer soon

22-05-06, 15:20
Thanks, I've had a look on Amazon for Claire Weekes and it looks like she has quite a few books and wasn't sure which would be the best...which one did you read?

Thanks for the advice, I'm amazed by the effects your mind can have on your body...and I find it really difficult not to worry unless I understand exactly why something is happening (I think that's why I'm OK with the tingling and sickness because that makes sense to me but am more worried about the fuzzy head and eye sight)

I hope you are well and the moment and helping new people like me is keeping you distracted.

Take care,

Sarah x

22-05-06, 17:00
hi sarah, no definitely not alone

i hope we can all support you and i know everyone here knows what your going through


22-05-06, 21:07
hi sarah i have read both self help for your nerves and essential help for your nerves both are great..i bought both from amazon.. good luck and take care..:)