View Full Version : high blood pressure and slight heart murmur......Worried :-(

15-10-11, 12:50
I'm really worried at the moment......I went to the doctors yesterday and i have high blood pressure and was told i have a slight heart murmur. I've had heart scans and alsorts in the past and tests have always been normal so this is a new thing. I'm 28 and had a baby 8 weeks ago. He thinks the murmur is probably phyiological, (a factor outside the heart)......I suffer with health anxiety so this is the worst sort of thing for me to be told. I have to have blood tests and ecg now.
Has anyone had a similar diagnosis and everything been ok? I really need some reassurance. I read that a high blood pressure can cause a murmur but i don't know why my blood pressure is high.......It's just making me worry more now :-(

15-10-11, 13:14
it is nothing to worry about! I was diagnosed with a heart murmur in June of this year and I have had 2 docs listen to it. The first was at a physical for school, and then I just had another doc listen to it - not out of worry but just because I started with a new doc. The doctor told me that murmurs can be caused by anxiety/stress, an infection/virus, and sometimes by nothing at all and people live their whole lives without even knowing they have one. He said as long as I am not having chest pains, fainting, etc to not worry about it. I told him I would not have even known I had one if he didn't tell me. Also the second doctor said the same thing.

It truly is nothing to worry about. They are very very common. I found out after the diagnosis that my dad had one at my age (I'm 23) and it was not a big deal either. I also found out that 2 out of my 4 coworkers have one! (that's 50%!)

There are different types and doctors can very easily distinguish between innocent/functional (my murmur and I would assume yours because you werent given any other instructions about it) and murmurs that require further evaluation.

All in all - don't worry about it! But I know that is easier said than done. After the first doc told me I had one, I started thinking way too much about my heart and freaking myself out. And even when I freaked - I was fine, no chest pain, dizziness, etc - so then I calmed down and realized it was not a big deal. I don't even think about it now.

Also just to add -I also have white coat syndrome, so my bp always looks high at the docs.

I hope that helps!

15-10-11, 14:08
thay found i had a heart murmur at 21 years old so thats when thay found so i had it ages before i think
thats was over 20 years its no worry and i still here its dont hurt me one bit
dont worry god bless