View Full Version : Whats this cant breath?

anx mum
15-10-11, 12:57
For the last few days had a horrible feeling like i cant breath really scares me and i go into complete panic my doc checked me over thurs and said my sats and bp and chest was ok so why do i feel so bad anyone help is this anxiety?

15-10-11, 12:58
Yeah very common with anxiety. We get a lot of posts about this.

anx mum
15-10-11, 13:06
Thanks nicola i know ive had this feeling before just scares me everytime it happens do u think deep breathing will help?

15-10-11, 13:09
Its a typical symptom hun, take yourself off for a moment and sit down and try and calm yourself down by a few deep breaths, breath in counting to 5 through your nose and breath out counting to five, do this a few times. Panic attacks strike us sometimes for no reason at all, one minute you can be fine and the next you have a lump in your throat and feel you are going choke. Don't worry xx

anx mum
15-10-11, 13:13
Its been pretty constant thats why im panicking about it my hubby keeps saying if u cant breath u be gasping for air but i cant seem to take it in

15-10-11, 13:37
It is very scarey. I get it too Bev. Try some slow deep breathing for a bit or maybe try a paper bag.

15-10-11, 16:45
I don't want food, I just can't make how bad I feel go away. I don't know what to do with this pain that feels so great that it feels like I am going to die because it feels like I can't breathe because it hurts so bad. Seriously? ...

UNHCO (http://www.unhco.org/)

16-10-11, 17:18
That's me at the moment, breathing feels a real effort and at night on falling asleep I can wake not being able to get my breath. I find it probably one of the worst symptoms related to anxiety.

anx mum
16-10-11, 21:33
Had the most awful day whats going on this breathing symptom is really scaring me it feels like my heart is going to stop im so scared whats happining?