View Full Version : Glasses / Headaches

22-05-06, 11:53
Hello all.

Since my encounter with some chavs and fists etc the other week i lost my glasses.

i havent replaced them yet as that costs money lol. anyways since not waring them my brain tumor related headaches have almost vanished. [?][?][?]

what the hell is all that about.. for month i been getting these horrible headaches almost causing panic attcks.

has anyone else sufferd similar..? i now dont want to get any more glasses incase the same thing happens.. though the downside is i cant see things at disdance which could be dangerouse when driving.

22-05-06, 11:58
Hi Alex

It sounds like you have needed a new perscription of your glasses from the headaches you mention.
Wearing glasses myself i have gone through what you have.
I know its expensive & a pest to change but its your eyes & health at the end of the day.

Take Care


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

22-05-06, 19:29
Your employer might be able to help with the cost of your eye test, if you use VDU's alot..... thats what ruined my eye sight...

Also I hate to use the pun, but try Spec Savers, I got two pairs for £120,

Ever thought about contact lenses ? only about £15 quid a month ! So you can spread the payments and ditch the glasses!

Chin up, and as Alexandra says sounds like you just need a new perscription for your eyes.