View Full Version : Umbilical Hernia-Help Terrified

15-10-11, 16:17
ok trying not to panic but I noticed after I was scrubbing my house and organizing to include lifting things I probably should not that I had like and achy feeling in my stomach and when I put my hand on it I noticed a bulge in my belly button of course immediate panic thinking omg cancer cancer cancer. When I pushed on it is was squashy and went right back in. I am from the US and self employed so I am waiting for the health insurance I just purchased a week ago to kick in which will be about a month of course no preexsiting conditions are accepted but I did find the hernia after the fact. Anyway of course Dr. Googled and found out so many things can cause umbilical hernias including a big mass in the abdomen I of course have pushed and prodded to my detritment and all I can find is the hernia. What I read is people can live for months or even years with a hernia unless it is causing continuous extreme pain which mine is not just gets achy after alot of bending an picking things up. So will I be ok to wait to see my doctor until my insurance kicks in as long as I am not in extreme pain?????

17-10-11, 03:57
There's no-one here can tell you whether you should wait or not. You are not certain it's a hernia - only a doctor can diagnose that. The danger of leaving it is that, if it's a hernia, it might strangulate.

I'm sure you've seen mention of that when you were googling. I know your medical system is difficult for you, but please try not to google - a broken toe nail becomes a brain tumor!

I can only say if it's causing no discomfort, maybe you can wait the week out. If there are any changes, please see your doctor.