View Full Version : anxios tonight

15-10-11, 22:15
Hi feeling a bit scared tonignt.
for months now every now and again (once every few weeks)
i get a feeling like i cant breathe for a few seconds in chest then it goes
also last few days every now and then i will violent chock and cough on the air (only once a day or so)
and neck keeps cracking when i move it or making gurgling sound when moving.

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its pretty scary as when it happens i gasp for air

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also my tounge is white all the time so im really panicking tonight

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im really getting panicky ober the breathing thing the most

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and i cant sleep with the thought of stopping breathing

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really want to sleep and apendix area is hurting to tonight

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appendix area is sore to tough to but could that be muscle pain under rib cage

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its on one side though urgh

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my appendix area hurts more when walking or streatcing. yes this is not life threating but my gosh im so scared at the moment im shaking typing this. please help my life is scaring me.

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it hurts less when bending over than standing straight and is very different from muscle pain i have expirenced i am FREAKING out about my appendix right now.

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its worse when walking and standing straight up and its stinging and hurting sometimes.

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please help me :(

15-10-11, 22:28
Poor you - the anxiety is worse than the symtoms.

It does not sound anything like appendicitis pain as that is not under your ribs at all. My son had appendicitis and believe me you would be very ill with vomiting and you would not be able to press your abdomen at all. He had a grumbling one that would give him bad attacks about 3 times a year until they eventually took it out and what you are describing is nothing like he had.

Have you read the symptoms page on left as breathing is a big thing with anxiety.

You will not stop breathing in your sleep in fact asleep you are not suffering fron anxiety hormones so your body does what it should do naturally without all those nasty adrenaline chemicals we produce that give you the symptoms while you are awake.

Do anythng you can to distract you from your mind. REmember the mind is making you feel bad and giving you all these symptoms.

15-10-11, 22:34
Thank you. The mind seems to be very clever at spotting these smytoms, over exagerattig then, then coming up with my "own" diagosnis as to what this can be.

Natalie x
15-10-11, 23:47
Sorry to hear you are feeling very anxious. I think all us anxiety sufferers have had all of the above that you describe but it is just anxiety, although it doesn't seem like it as it can be scary.

I too worry a lot about appendicitis after having pain in my appendix area for about a week when I was younger and the dr said it was a grumbling appendix (I think!) And ever since then I worry about it being appendicitis when I get the pain. I actually had it a couple of weeks ago and when I stood up I was all lightheaded and almost fainted. It turned out to be a build up of not going to the toilet as I have a slow metabolism. Is this possible this is what it could be? Trapped wind can be very very sore and uncomfortable. You would reaally know if you had appenidicitis as you would be in severe pain and your stomach would be swollen I assume. Have you tried a hot water bottle and some pain killers. If it could be going to the toilet that you need, try having a big glass of fresh orange :)

Hope u feel better soon x

15-10-11, 23:55
i also get the pain just under my right ribs and slightly behind them...hard to describe but feels sore and heavy...anyway ive suffered this pain for years and ive found if ibreathe really slowly out it helps for a while..everyone who has anxiety knows how your feeling right now as we all go through our hell and as country girl says when your asleep the nasty hormones go back to normal...breathing is an automatic thing..like blinking etc(do you notice if you blink?) i hope you soon get thru this epsode x

16-10-11, 00:00
Hey I am anxious too tonight hate night time I just get anxious and wait for the morning to come:(
I am having one of those health anxiety things too my head hurt and it freaked me out then my neck hurt and now my ribs hurts......
My chest is kinda tight too......
I guess if anything does go wrong an ambulance would be here pretty fast to save me :)
If your appendix was about to burst you would be screaming in pain !
When I am tired some times i gasp for air, they say you yawn because when you are tired your breathing slows down so if you need more oxygen your body will FORCE you to breathe so don't worry you won't stop breathing :hugs:

16-10-11, 21:16
thank u all for your help x

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i always worry that its the start of something when i post and thatll itll get worse lol.

17-10-11, 02:02
thats my fear too that what ever symptoms I have are going to get way worse! x