View Full Version : hello....new low for me tonight

15-10-11, 22:51
Hi all,

Have visited before but never been driven to sign up until tonight...
Finished a course of cbt for depression/low self esteem/social anxiety earlier this yr. I've always been a serious worried but had only had two panic attacks in my lifes until a couple of months ago...

One day coming home from work I got stuck on a tube train for half an hour and panicked badly... There were riots in London the week after that and my panic carried on spiralling so I went to the doc. Since then I've been panicking a lot – night terrors, in work meetings, on the bus, you name it. It's taking up a huge amount of my time and energy. Tonight I was going out to the pub to a friend's birthday – panicked on the bus and had to get off. Had a total freakout and had to come home...the first time I've ever turned around completely on my way somewhere and feels like a new low.

I've been having big problems with eating/swallowing/fear of choking simmering away for about a year too. This reached a head last week –went out for pizza with one of my best friends last night and couldn't eat a thing (literally had about 3 bites). To make thing worse I got engaged a few weeks ago too and this is really spoiling this happy time for me – I want to celebrate with everyone and look forward to the wedding, but my head is clouded up with fear and panic.

I'm supposed to have dinner with my fiances godparents on tuesday and can't comprehend going at the moment. I have a cbt appt this thursday though so fingers crossed it will be productive.

Thanks for reading x

15-10-11, 22:53
Hi crazylady

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

15-10-11, 23:06
Thank you very much nicola. It's sad and heartening to see how many kind people are on here tonight.


15-10-11, 23:23
:welcome: Welcome crazylady (love the name) so sorry you are feeling low tonight, please take some time to read some of the articles and forums as i'm sure you will find them usefull, you will gt lots of help and support here, and make friends along the way. take care :hugs:

16-10-11, 00:07
Is the tube an underground train? I couldn't not even think about getting on one without feeling anxious. I am very claustrophobic I can't even look at an elevator now as I have gotten worse.
Being trapped freaks me out so bad if that was me I would have been in a right state x
I got nervous watching the riots on T.V,, I felt awful for anyone with anxiety who lived there.
I would say the getting trapped made you much more claustrophobic :(

Glad you are getting CBT sooN I hope it helps :hugs:

16-10-11, 13:43
Thank you both for your kind words.

Yes, sorry Michel, by tube train I mean the London Underground. It's pretty grim down there at the best of times and even more so when you're claustrophobic! I haven't been on there at all for the last week but feel guilty now, as I know I should face up to my fear. I'm sorry to hear that you're finding things so tough at the moment too, particulary with regards to elevators. I'll let you know if cbt offers any good advice. x