View Full Version : New to NMP but not new to The Mad Hatter's Tea Party

16-10-11, 05:27
Hi I'm Wendy and I live in New South Wales, Au.

Started on this merry-go-round on 29 Dec 2008 with 20mg Citalopram after a horrific year of pain from a frozen shoulder. That doseage has held me in good stead until Nov 2010 when I had a Blip-up to 30mg.

Holding on well until 8 Aug 2011 another Blip for absolutely no reason and have been struggling since. Don't know if I'm in withdrawal or not having enough or Citalopram has pooped out on me.

Doctor of 10 years jumped me up to 60mg in 2 weeks....off my head! Took myself down to 40gr, gradually so I'm trying another one [Doctor] in the same practice on Tues. Holding on 40mg, still not good, topping up with Ativan 1mg as needed AND I NEED IT :blush:
My old doctor is moving to Victoria at the end of Nov so time for a change methinks.:yesyes: So sick of being sick......but aren't we all, folks ..Cheers

16-10-11, 05:43
Hi Lotsoflavender

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

16-10-11, 11:39
Hi Wendy, welcome to NMP. I've been at the tea party for years - getting better though :winks: A sense of humour is a must, definitely! Good luck. Hope being on the site helps. Lots of advice available and support. Good to write things down too! I'm 'coasting' (I use that v loosely) along in a nicely doped up way on 50 mg citalopram for anxiety/depression. Coincidentally it seems to help me too (a bit) with pain relief as I've got arthritis in my neck which I'm certainly less hung up about now. A good doctor is a must. Hope you find a new one that you can talk to and offers good support and advice. Take care. We're all in a similar boat here!

Vanilla Sky
16-10-11, 14:50
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Paige x

26-10-11, 05:41
Started with a new Doctor last week. She's weaning me down to see if I'm experiencing anxiety or reaction to too much C. Today was my first day on 30mg and taking it in the morning instead of the night like I've been doing. So missed my 40mg last night and took 30mg at 8am this morning.
Woke after a night of a line up of the most weird dreams, hot, sweating, trembling. shallow breathing but no nausea which was a bonus. Took a Diazepam 5mg at 10am for the tremours and breathing. It's 3.30pm and not feeling too bad. Hoping day 3 won't be the wall when the 36 hour half life is up. Doc said only to use the Diazepam to help with the withdrawal but limit it's use.