View Full Version : Self Harm

16-10-11, 14:06
Ended up in hospital yesterday due to self harm..Have now been referred to the CAT team because of my anxiousness....I only scratched myself with glass and scissors ,but nothing serious...The fact ive came back to that feeling though scares me,like im losing my control....
I dont know what made me call for help,

16-10-11, 18:26
Oh no hun hope ur ok :hugs:so sorry u felt u had to do something like that for help but now hopefully u will recieve all the help u need for ur road to recovery.

Nicola xx :bighug1:

16-10-11, 18:37
why cant the bloody doc s listen why do people have to do something like that to get the help ,makes me mad hang in there hun u will get there x

17-10-11, 02:18
why cant the bloody doc s listen why do people have to do something like that to get the help

I used to do the same with whatever I could find to use because I was driven to it. No doctor listened, no one helped and I had no one to talk to or turn to. The only way I stopped was by helping myself.

My own feeling is when you feel the urge, please try to find someone to talk to so you can offload your feelings. For me I did it to relieve the emotional pain I was feeling but I felt if I had someone to turn to at that time it would have helped to prevent me having to resort to it.

You are not alone.:bighug1:

17-10-11, 03:11
Hope you get the help you need now :hugs:

17-10-11, 10:19
I hope that now they're listening you'll get the help you need. :hugs: