View Full Version : just seen mum use MY toothbrush...

16-10-11, 21:13
just seen mum using my tooth brush her response was "whats the big deal we share the same genes/blood" when i confronted her.
i must admit this morning it did taste funny and weird.
so now im panicking over this.
There was a new tooth brush un used which is now mine and im keeping in my room but i dont see why i should have to just to stop my mum using the 1st one she picks up. she told me she just uses the 1st one she sees.
she wont talk to me now. she just ignores me and then gets annoyed when i enjoy spening more of my time with my aunt (her sister) than her.

16-10-11, 21:27
oh yuck :mad: u may share the same blood and genes but u don't share the same germs!! Id be livid aswel and id NEVER use someone elses toothbrush not even my own sons!!! id be keeping mine hidden away aswel if i was u!! me and my hubby have the exact same electric toothbrushs but ive put a sticker on mine say 'NIC'!! :roflmao:to make sure we always use our own!!! xx

16-10-11, 21:32
lol. i should label mine lol.
thats what worries me that ill get an infection my mum was coughing a lot a few days ago but no cold.

16-10-11, 22:08
She shouldnt have done that.Pour some boiling water over it and it will kill any germs .Im sure that will stop any germs from breeding .How gross ..:lac:T/c Sue x

16-10-11, 22:21
that is really horrid u been eating different things you get all food stuck in the toothbrush different germs urgh.
thats one thing that gives me the shivers thinking bout somebody else using my toothbrush. i wouldent use it again throw it away.:curse:

16-10-11, 22:43
I agree, that's not nice at all! Even though you're related, you both have totally different germs and sharing them like that isn't good.

I once stayed over at a friend's unexpectedly and she said I could use one of their toothbrushes and "just not think about whose it might be" (hers, her partner's, or one of the kids). I declined. I'd rather not clean my teeth than use someone else's toothbrush!

16-10-11, 23:15
If you are stuck for your own brush just use a finger and tongue to work it in between your teeth until you get a new one, one tip...don't rinse your mouth out with water after...as any paste left will carry on working for a while, advice from a hygenist last time I was having a clean up x


17-10-11, 01:43
My used my tooth brush before by mistake, so I had to buy a new one! I now keep them in a separate area in the bathroom.
I often clean my tooth brush in boiling water to kill any germs also mouth wash will kill germs too :) So if you clean it you will be fine x

17-10-11, 18:02
Thank u all. I took a new one last night and put it in my room lol x

17-10-11, 18:09
Sharing toothbrushes carries the same risk as unsafe sex, you can catch Hep B, Hep C and a multitude of other infections because if you have bleeding gums then it's blood to blood contact and of course saliva carries risks as well.

17-10-11, 19:31
Sharing toothbrushes carries the same risk as unsafe sex, you can catch Hep B, Hep C and a multitude of other infections because if you have bleeding gums then it's blood to blood contact and of course saliva carries risks as well.

I know thats why im scared as my gums bleed and i think my mums do to :wacko: :scared15: thats why im freaking out right now and im so scared about it.
i see the doc on wednesday but im still **** scared.

---------- Post added at 18:14 ---------- Previous post was at 18:12 ----------

i feel very sick and teary at the moment :(.

---------- Post added at 18:17 ---------- Previous post was at 18:14 ----------

also been having sinus issues today so been worrying thats connected. im just hoping if i catch something that its curable :(.

---------- Post added at 18:20 ---------- Previous post was at 18:17 ----------

and a tummy ache now slightly and a slightly runny nose. i really hate my life at the moment.

---------- Post added at 18:22 ---------- Previous post was at 18:20 ----------

trying to tell my self not to be silly and google "using someone elses toothbrush" though.

i just dont know what to do anymore.

---------- Post added at 18:26 ---------- Previous post was at 18:22 ----------

i have college tommorow so i need to sleep at a reasonable time but all i want to do is cry.

---------- Post added at 18:34 ---------- Previous post was at 18:26 ----------

I would like to have one evening where i can have a hot bath then just go to bed and relax and watch tele and sleep peacefully at night.
But now i want to know if these disease lie dormant and whether ill be till Wednesday to see a doctor :(.

---------- Post added at 19:00 ---------- Previous post was at 18:34 ----------

i forced some dinner down me but i feel no better

---------- Post added at 19:11 ---------- Previous post was at 19:00 ----------

what if i have HIV through the blood. my mum used to sleep around a lot.
ive had 5 cold this year. an ear infection, a throat and sinus infection and new allergies. omg im really scared now. :'(.

---------- Post added at 19:12 ---------- Previous post was at 19:11 ----------

my mums gums dont bleed i think but mine do and im in tears now thinking about this. so much so that i might have to see a doc tommorow instead of Wednesday :(. im only scared as my immunity has been weak this year.

---------- Post added at 19:15 ---------- Previous post was at 19:12 ----------

i am at my wits end thinking about this and cant even concentrate on my college coursework at the moment which is due any day now.

---------- Post added at 19:17 ---------- Previous post was at 19:15 ----------

please help me i cant even function. normally i can get up and go with anxiety but this is so scary to me.

---------- Post added at 19:21 ---------- Previous post was at 19:17 ----------

I know kids cut there selves all the time and adults touch there broken skin but they dont get it in there mouth. im trying to rationalise but i cant and i feel like im going to go mad and scream. i just keep thinking how ive never had sinus pain before, never had a bacterial infecion and never had so many colds.

---------- Post added at 19:31 ---------- Previous post was at 19:21 ----------

A few months ago and i would have googled but im staying away from it! lol.
my mum seems fine (no colds except for one Terrible fluey one earlier last xmas) that everyone had but other than that so i doubt she even has hiv but she has been coughing a lot the last few weeks but she does smoke and has asthma lmao but im a soppy anxious person and cant help it.
when i look back at all these posts i cringe at my self and regret posting them so i apoligise- i was hyperventalting and not thinking straight BUT i cant help it as ive never had allergies etc before- but i know anxiety can cause weaker immune systems. maybe a simple blood test and a chat with the doc on wednesday. I know i wont even know but i dont want to die in my sleep because i dont want my parents to find me dead.

17-10-11, 20:12
Guys..sharing toothbrushes doesn't carry the same risks as unsafe sex.Try not to panic,check out the department of health website for reliable information about HIV and STIs,including Hep B and C

17-10-11, 21:21
Thanks :)

17-10-11, 23:13
look if your mum was sick you would know!
women are blood tested for everything including HIV when they pregnant :)

18-10-11, 02:05
Ok that is just YUCKY! I would also just buy a new one or at least do what one poster said and put it in boiling water. Xx

18-10-11, 10:14
I wouldn't worry about it. Like Mishel said, if you're mum was sick you would know about it. And even if she was, I think the chances of you catching anything from the toothbrush are remote.

But still, it's not nice at all and I think your mum is really mean not to respect that you don't want her to use your toothbrush!

18-10-11, 10:37
Thank you all.
This morning she apoligised and handed me a pack of two new ones ! :)
I know im getting carried away. Shes not got HIV lol. Shes only been with my dad 19 years now and would of been tested when she was pregnant.

18-10-11, 18:01
Wotnews I feel that you are underestimating the risks of sharing toothbrushes. They like razors are know to be a risk factor in passing on blood Bourne infections. The infections involved are primarily the Hepatitis ones but multiple pathogens are involved. The human mouth is more bacterial ridden than a dogs and a Human bite is treated as very high risk by the health authorities. Emma is being enormously sensible and buying another toothbrush and hiding it away for personal use only so please do not lessen it to other means of blood Bourne infections, blood is blood wherever you come in contact with it so yes it carries the same risk as unsafe sex.

18-10-11, 18:37
No problem Ronski was just trying to be reassuring. I work in sexaul health,for the health authority. Sorry if you thought I was being dismissive

18-10-11, 19:16
No problems Wotnews but I worked in the healthcare profession as well and one thing that makes me cringe is people who share toothbrushes. My wife's a nurse and she can't stand toenails. I think sometimes people cannot see the associated risks of sharing commonly used personal items but if you caught Hep B you would be devastated. In this case I don't think Emma had any health anxieties she was just using lots and lots of common sense, well done her.

18-10-11, 19:34
Thank you.
It has made me anx as now i think i have hep b or c or hiv and im panicking again so i dont know what to do. i want to know what the symps of hep b are lol. i see the doc tommorow :\ but i dont know how to cope until tommorow :(

macc noodle
18-10-11, 19:41

Please look back at your posts from last year and you will see that you seem to have a really tough time at this time of year with your anxiety.

You do need some professional help to try and give you some coping skills to reduce the fear and anx you suffer from.

I know that you realistically know that the chances of you catching an infection from your mum using your toothbrush is very small and you now have a new one to use - so try and let it go honey. If you are worried she may use it again simply keep it in a glass by the side of your bed and take it to the bathroom when you want to use it.


Macc Noodle

18-10-11, 19:45
"realistically know that the chances of you catching an infection from your mum using your toothbrush is very small"
thank you- i keep saying that as its only my gums that bleed everr so slihgtly. had dental check up and there fine though.
I always find oct/nov/dec the hardest part of the year. Last year i lost 2 stone in these months. put a stone of that back on now but im still eating well this time (if anything a little to much sometimes like the jam donught i had today!)
thank you x
i see the doc every two weeks at the moment but i despeartly want a cbt referall x

18-10-11, 21:12
Em.ma just because their is a small risk of catching infections you must put it all into perspective, you have taken the sensible route so you have done the right thing so now stop stressing about what ifs.
The trouble is that we are all in a heightened state of health anxieties because of the media that tell us everyday that we are at risk by being to fat, to thin, don't take enough exercise, take to much exercise, coffee is bad for you, coffee is good for you. We just don't know what to believe. My old granny lived to 89 years old and she never exercised like running or going to the gym, she eat the fattiest cuts of meat you could ever imagine, she had beef dripping spread on toast and she was not a size 10. She lived to 89 because she loved life and I can never remember her worrying about things like her health because in her day the media didnt carp on all the time about lifestyles.
What I am trying to say is look at the positives in life, ignore the negatives, remember if we keep putting the same things in the mix then the results will be the same. They say insanity is putting the same things in the mix and expecting different results ha ha.

18-10-11, 21:24
haha. i agree about the media- i try to take no notice.
Thank you for your advice x

Veronica H
20-10-11, 10:45
Sharing toothbrushes carries the same risk as unsafe sex, you can catch Hep B, Hep C and a multitude of other infections because if you have bleeding gums then it's blood to blood contact and of course saliva carries risks as well. ......Don't think you realise how your concise summing up of a situation can instill instant fear at times buddy, and you know I say this with love:bighug1:You medical types.....Vx

20-10-11, 11:46
I wouldn't be happy either if someone else used my toothbrush. Not hygenic.

20-10-11, 18:54
i know lol. im still terrifed im ill from it haha :( x

20-10-11, 19:05
That wouldn't cause me anxiety, but it would cause me to be completely squicked out and angry. :)

20-10-11, 20:20
i get scared of any disease i can catch lol x

20-10-11, 20:47
Have a word with your mother


20-10-11, 21:43
I did and she bought me a new brush. i cant talk without her shotuing
http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=102637 i talked about what shes like here x
i told the doc but she didnt let me finish my senetence. :(

---------- Post added at 20:52 ---------- Previous post was at 20:51 ----------

i am scared i have a disease lol

---------- Post added at 21:43 ---------- Previous post was at 20:52 ----------

my mother gets weird symptoms. like cramps, eyes hurting etc but im not sure if im just over thining (actually i know im over thinking this) let it go right?

22-10-11, 12:38
my mum has no idea about cleanliness though. she just coughed so violenty becasuse of smoking threw up but didnt wash her hands after and TMI but it went on them.