View Full Version : Ups and downs?

16-10-11, 21:52
Hey all..

I was just sitting here wondering if any one else gets really bad Downs like feeling really depressed, down, sad (crying).. To the point where you feel you can't cope.. Then a while later have an up and feel the opposite, posotive?

If so what do you do in your downs to get through?

16-10-11, 21:56
oh god Yeay luv i totally break down cry till i have headache which strangely enough brings me round to the point i get mad with myself for being so soft and then i carry on very peculiar but it happens to me x

17-10-11, 09:33
Oh yes, I get this quite a lot. I can be rational and positive and upbeat then it call all go and I feel anxious and negative. Horrible. xx

17-10-11, 09:53
Yep, can relate to the ups and downs. Mostly oscillating between being super optimistic, thinking I can cope and everything will be fine, and then suddenly things not going right and I end up in a snowballed depressed and anxious mess that I can't cope and things won't be fine.

I've been trying to cope by tempering my optimism (felt like a sad thing to do, but at least I won't be brought down so low when things don't work out). Also trying to go with the flow more and not pinning my hopes on one thing. Reminding myself of the saying: "Everything is always ok in the end. If it's not ok, then it's not the end".

I guess the most to hope for is that the swings won't be as deep or as frequent.

17-10-11, 21:45
This is exactly me I feel like two different people it's crazy. It's like a mood so random and will change so quickly, not sure what it's called.

I hope they get less frequent as they can be challenging to deal with at times. But yeh I love that 'Everything is always ok in the end. If it's not ok, then it's not the end' will add it to my positive quotes :)

17-10-11, 22:56
I used to swing from one to the other frequently, now it's mostly seasonal. I've often squashed the more optimistic moods as I'm afraid of the fall from something that high, it makes people who haven't known me long think I'm really negative when I'm just trying to protect myself. My high mood became dangerous this year and I thought it was a manic episode but my doctor says its my obsessional tendancies.