View Full Version : visiting particular websites

jaded jean
17-10-11, 06:19
I have been going oin YouTube recently -just flicking thru anything that caught my interest and yesterday went into freaks of nature thinking yes ok animals ,but when pictures of deformed people came up and actual footage i.e- a deformed person in France on all fours I lost it completely . the vision of it is constantly jumping into my mind now ,it woke me up numerous times -terrible . I hope it disappears soon:weep:

17-10-11, 06:47
Aw I hate when stuff like that happens :(

17-10-11, 08:01

What have i told you about looking at dodgy websites?:winks:

On a more serious note tho, some things that i find disturbing tend to play on my mind,sometimes for several days..It always eventually goes tho unpleasant as it is... tcx

jaded jean
17-10-11, 08:31
Thanks hopeless I had a terrible journey to work-images in my mind etc and now am sitting at my desk crying my eyes out. I have had an email to cover someones area that I have never been to before too oh shit its going to be a long day Ithink

17-10-11, 08:44
Aw Jean i am so sorry you feel so bad this morning, its monday too which is never the greatest day of the week is it..Sometimes a good cry helps i think, and i just know you will be ok on your round this morn..You are always such a trouper and manage to get thru it..Stay strong tcxxx

18-10-11, 00:54
I appreciate how you're tormented by these images because things like that disturb me too. I can't watch adverts on TV for programmes like My Shocking Story because they are basically televised freak shows masquerading behind a veil of compassion.

A word of warning: DO NOT type into google images "dupleted uranium". I naively wanted to look at pictures of tank armour and shells which use DU when I was a kid and came face to face with the most grotesque horrific images I've ever seen. Actually typing this has brought it all back.

jaded jean
18-10-11, 06:42
Brambles -hi x
I know exactly what you mean re adverts etc. I hate seeing them if they were about when I first fell ill with this anx and believe me they rake them out still! I either change channel or switch off- hate it . I just come into here or FB to chat to my nmp friend Hopeless.
Freak shows with compassion is an excellent description somebody must really get a kick doing these programmes or actually setting up sites re this.. Hope you feel better nowxxxx

18-10-11, 12:59
I know how you feel, when my anxiety is bad I cant go near horrors or even just medical shows. I grew up with OCD and have a terribly over active imagnation so this stuff can play on my mind. My housemate texted me recently saying he'd downloaded this recentish controversial horror film and I told him he'd be watching that on his own! He actually though it was me who'd said they wanted to see it, ew, never.

18-10-11, 13:06
ahh i hate those! They scare me so much! there was one of a car driving round a mountain then suddenly a screaming person jumped out and i screamed so loud my neighbors came round lol xxxx hope ur okay xxxx

18-10-11, 15:44
My friend sent me an anti fur-trade video about some dogs/foxes/wolves (can't remember which) in china. I had nightmares about it for months afterwards. I think it was the most scarring thing I've ever seen!

18-10-11, 15:54
I can sympathise jaded jean.

I have found since I have suffered with anxiety those kind of things affect and disturb me much more than they would have before.

I also have problems with things like horrific crimes that have been reported on tv, or that appear on those tv progs about CSI and suchlike. They upset and stay with me for some reason.

It is so weird and horrible.

akira - oh my I can relate. I stay well away from animal related things like that. I cannot even watch those charity tv adverts about mistreated animals. I bawl like a baby....just cannot handle it.

It will disappear from your mind JJ. It is just vivid in your mind as it is recent, but time will help.


jaded jean
18-10-11, 17:07
Thank you so much for your replies everyone. It is surprising how many of us seem super sensitive re anything that offsets our imagination when the anx is at its worst -I have vivid memories of sitting up in bed at 4 a.m. clutching my knees and staring wildly around the bed room thinking I will be fine soon it will go wont it???
I made the most humongous mistake of watching Paranormal Activity- and I am certain that was the reason I had to change my meds ! My god I was terrified:ohmy::ohmy::ohmy::ohmy: Things I used to watch when young I wouldnt bat an eyelid -but now its all gone :blush::blush:
Oh well onwards and upwards the footsoldiers of calm xx

18-10-11, 17:22
omg i saw that! I cried and i couldnt stop it was horrible =( the dogs being skinned and boiled alive just made me cry so much ...my friend watched it too and we just sat crying for over 2 hours ! I'm a huge animal lover so that was really hard to watch

18-10-11, 17:48
Tell me about it! I don't blame you for crying - I almost did. It was the noises they made that got to me. I've had dogs my whole life and I've never been so distraught by anything I've watched.

Here's something a lot cheerier:
