View Full Version : need to talk

17-10-11, 09:44
On saturday I had A LOT to drink. I can't remember like all the night and I was told I was sick everywhere etc. (A lot of info but I just want you to know how drunk)

The day after I felt like obvioisly hung over. I felt like I was swayin and things looked like they would move etc. but at the same time down and anxious , more like worried really. I have a sick feelin. A butterfly feelin in my belly and just like I can't be bothered. Feel like somethin is missin. The feelin like you have llost somethin but can't remember what. I thought Ill get an early night and ill feel better in the morning.

Well ... I don't! I still feel down. Can't be bothered. Just feeli like I wanna stay in bed and that everyone (especially my partner) is in a mood over somethin and well doesn't wanna speak to me. I know this isn't the case butt I still feel it.

I know alcohol is a depressent etc and that with anxiety yout not supposed to drink but anyway what's done is done and now I just wanna know if anyone has had this kind of thing happen to them? Feelin tearful at the minuute

17-10-11, 10:02
hey hun thats why i don't drink it alleviates how i am feeling for a time i have relief but i suffer for it in the days that follow so its just not worth drinking it will pass hunni i know its awful but give into your tears you may find you will feel better help to get rid of the built up tension x