View Full Version : Funny coloured mucus in BM

17-10-11, 11:34
Hi there I have worries over my bowels.
My worry at the moment is an orangy yellow mucus i passed along with my bm this morning which has totally freaked me out. I had a couple of days last week where i had difficulty passing my bm,(too much immodium i think, which i take as a preventative a night due to ibsd) the last bits were like rabbit pooh. I have previously had a sigmoidoscopy and a barium enema, which were clear. Have been fine this morning but this mucus has freaked me out, anyone else had this ? xxxxxx

17-10-11, 13:20
I get it alot and have had it for at least past 20 years!! I have also had all the tests 3 years ago including colonsocopy.

The reason we get this mucus is that any hard poo ( the rabbit droppings) irritte the lining of your bowel and this causes the mucus. This is a bit disgusting but you can test this out yourself as my Dr told me. She said if you put a gloved finger inside your anus and then rub the inside ( not scratch it) but rub it a few times then some time later you will pass just mucus probably clear or a little coloured as this is natural reaction to being annoyed by anything. Also ibs causes irregular contrations of the bowel which again irritates it and you get mucus.

You have had all the tests so mucus is not something to be worried about.

If you suddenly got loads of blood or black stools then see someone!

17-10-11, 16:24
Hi countrygirl and thanks for your reply. Can i just ask, it was last Thursday/Friday i found it hard to go, maybe a little over the weekend , but today was fine and thats when i saw the mucus, would it take that long ? xxx

17-10-11, 17:29
There is not always a direct correlation between the hard poo and the mucus I have found that it can happen a few days later or an hour later.

17-10-11, 17:56
Hi i get that same orangey/yellow even sometime's slighty brown (guess the stool is mixing with it) after i have rabbit dropping poo.

I had a colonoscopy as i was getting blood sometime's (still am) and got the all clear but was never explained why the blood was there (only thing i think is the rabbit poo is scratching sometime's).

So yes mucus is fine as you bowel get's irratated.