View Full Version : scared of slipping back

17-10-11, 17:50
Been battling a bout of HA for a few months now and starting to overcome to the point where the GP and I decided that I could go back to work on a phased return. I had been off for 3 months so it was a bit deal going back but got through the first couple of weeks ok.

Trouble is I am just so darn tired... and not even doing my normal hours yet. Had a skin infection last week and now got an infected wisdom tooth and today had an attack of ....dizziness :ohmy: and felt that familar lurch in my chest that signals anxiety to me.

I don't want to slip back to the time where I was consumed with this. Do you think this is just my body adjusting to a new routine?

Thanks for reading

18-10-11, 02:17
Hello. I think you've done really well :)

You are probably being hyper-vigilant, just waiting for the anxiety symptoms to appear. That takes up a lot of energy, so with that and returning to work it's no surprise you are tired. Having been away from people for a few months, you are bound to pick up colds and little infections. They're nothing to worry about.

Bad luck with the wisdom tooth. I hope it's treated quickly. Toothache is horrid :hugs:

18-10-11, 15:55
Thank you chem. Think you are probably right about me being hyper vigilant. Also I think the anti biotics I have been on for the infections are wiping me out a bit. I hope so because I am starting to worry that feeling like this I won't manage when I have to go back to my full time hours at work!